
jQGrid, how to make a column editable in the add dialog but not during (inline) edits(jQGrid,如何在添加对话框中使列可编辑,但在(​​内联)编辑期间不能编辑)



我有一个 jQGrid,其中有一列我只想在添加新行时可以编辑.

I have a jQGrid with a column that I only want to be editable when adding a new row.


I've seen examples of how to do this when edits and adds are both happening in a dialog but is there a way to do this with in-line editing?

我尝试在 beforeShowForm: 中使用 grid.setColProp(),但这不起作用(该列保持只读状态,并且不存在于添加对话框中).

I've tried using grid.setColProp() in beforeShowForm:, but this doesn't work ( the column remains read only and is not present in the add dialog).


Example of dialog based column enable/disable:


因为您使用的是我旧答案中的示例(this 和 this) 我觉得我也应该回答你的问题.

Because you use the example from my old answers (this and this) I feel that I should answer also on your question.

旧示例中的所有字段,可以修改在添加或编辑对话框期间,具有属性 editable:true.仅应在添加"对话框中显示的字段将隐藏在 beforeShowForm 事件句柄.同样的方法,我们可以在调用editRow方法之前临时将一些字段切换到editable:false并立即重置回editable:true通话后:

In the old example all fields, which can be modified during Add or Edit dialogs, has property editable:true. The fields which should be shown only in the Add dialog will be made hidden inside of beforeShowForm event handle. In the same way we can temporary switch some fields to editable:false before call of the editRow method and reset back to the editable:true immediately after the call:

onSelectRow: function(id) {
    if (id && id !== lastSel) {
        var cm = grid.jqGrid('getColProp','Name');
        cm.editable = false;
        grid.jqGrid('editRow', id, true, null, null, 'clientArray');
        cm.editable = true;
        lastSel = id;


You can see this live here.

更新: Free jqGrid 允许定义 可编辑 作为回调函数.请参阅维基文章.它允许在某些行中使列可编辑,而对其他行保持不可编辑.

UPDATE: Free jqGrid allows to define editable as callback function. See the wiki article. It allows to make the column editable in some rows and holding non-editable for other rows.


