Angular 6 多场过滤器

Angular 6 multi field filter(Angular 6 多场过滤器)

本文介绍了Angular 6 多场过滤器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在开发 Angular 6 应用程序.我有一个庞大的文章列表,想对其进行一些过滤.现在它是实时工作的,没有提交过滤器选项的按钮,这一切都在你输入时发生.我想出了一个办法,但它仍然有一些我可以解决的问题,但不喜欢我这样做的方式.我敢肯定,一定有更优雅的东西.

I'm currently working on angular 6 app. I have a huge list of articles and want to do some filtering upon it. Right now it works real-time, there is no button to submit your filter options, it all happens as you type. I figure a way, but it has still some issues I can fix, but doesn't like the way I did it. I'm sure, there has to be something more elegant.


For better imagination those articles have category, title, author, tags. I am able to filter them according to category lets say... but I want to do some kind of filtering.


Example: Filter all articles from category 'sports', then filter all articles having substring 'goal' in title from that already filtered array, then filter those whos author is 'john' and then filter all with tag 'hockey'.

我最终得到了大量的 IF 语句,这不是我想说的正确方法.你能推荐我一些更好的方法吗?

I ended up with huge amount of IF statements, which is not the right approach I would say. Can you please recommend me some better way to do this?


你可以这样做来创建一个没有很多 if 语句的多重过滤器.

This is what you could do to create a multifilter without many if statements.


Step one: Create an object that performs various comparison functions:

let compareFunctions = {
    equal: function(a,b) {
        return a === b;
    in: function(a,b){
        return a.indexOf(b) !== -1


Step two: Create a function that has the following parameters:

  1. key - 要过滤的记录字段的键.
  2. value - 您要过滤的值
  3. compareFn - 用于该字段的比较函数


This function returns a function that executes the condition.

function condition(key, value, comparFn = compareFunctions.equal) {
    return function(data) {
        return comparFn(data[key],value);


Step three: Create an array with "condition" functions representing your filter values:

let filterArray = [
    condition('category', 'sports'),
    condition('title', 'goal',,
    condition('author', 'john'),
    condition('tags', 'hokey',,


Step four: Filter your record by calling your array of conditions functions for each entry and evaluating the result of each condition:

let result = dataset.filter(y => {
    let resolved = => x(y))
    return resolved.every(x => x === true);


let compareFunctions = {
    equal: function(a,b) {
        return a === b;
    in: function(a,b){
        return a.indexOf(b) !== -1

function condition(key, value, comparFn = compareFunctions.equal) {
    return function(data) {
        return comparFn(data[key],value);

let dataset = [
        category: "sports",
        title: "goal goal goal",
        author: "john",
        tags: ["hokey", "ice-hokey"]
        category: "news",
        title: "bla bla",
        author: "Timo",
        tags: ["news"]
        category: "news",
        title: "blub blub",
        author: "alex",
        tags: ["hokey", "ice-hokey"]
        category: "sports",
        title: "Kölner Haie bla bla",
        author: "Timo",
        tags: ["hokey", "ice-hokey"]

let filterArray = [
    condition('category', 'sports'),
    condition('title', 'goal',,
    condition('author', 'john'),
    condition('tags', 'hokey',,


let result = dataset.filter(y => {
    let resolved = => x(y))
    return resolved.every(x => x === true);


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本文标题为:Angular 6 多场过滤器
