如何将 IST 时区对象添加到 Moment.js

How to add IST timezone object to Moment.js(如何将 IST 时区对象添加到 Moment.js)

本文介绍了如何将 IST 时区对象添加到 Moment.js的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我指的是 http://momentjs.com/timezone/docs/#/using-timezones/


In example, its given for below locations :

    'America/Los_Angeles|PST PDT|80 70|0101|1Lzm0 1zb0 Op0',
    'America/New_York|EST EDT|50 40|0101|1Lz50 1zb0 Op0'

我不确定 IST 值是否为:

I am not sure of IST values as its given for :

    name    : 'America/Los_Angeles',          // the unique identifier
    abbrs   : ['PDT', 'PST'],                 // the abbreviations
    untils  : [1414918800000, 1425808800000], // the timestamps in milliseconds
    offsets : [420, 480]                      // the offsets in minutes

有人可以帮忙添加 IST 对象吗?

Could someone help in adding IST object to this?


最简单的方法是只使用包含来自 moment-timezone 主页,例如 moment-timezone-2010-2020.jsmoment-timezone-all-years.js(或缩小版).

The easiest way is to just use one of the files that includes time zone data from the moment-timezone home page, such as moment-timezone-2010-2020.js or moment-timezone-all-years.js (or the minified versions).


You can however add just a single zone if you prefer. You can find the zone's packed string within the data files listed above. For India, the full zone definition is:

moment.tz.add("Asia/Calcutta|HMT BURT IST IST|-5R.k -6u -5u -6u|01232|-18LFR.k 1unn.k HB0 7zX0");


You may or may not need the link, depending on what exactly you're doing.

请注意,我假设IST"是指印度标准时间,而不是 爱尔兰标准时间或以色列标准时间.当然,这些区域会有不同的数据.

Note that I assumed that by "IST" you mean India Standard Time, and not Irish Standard Time or Israel Standard Time. Those zones would have different data, of course.

此外,由于印度自 1942 年以来一直使用 UTC+5:30,您可能只希望使用固定偏移量 - 这将消除使用时刻时区的需要.只需立即使用 utcOffset 函数.例如,以下两个都将返回印度的当前时间.

Also, since India has been on UTC+5:30 since 1942, you may just wish to use a fixed offset - which would eliminate the need to use moment-timezone. Just use the utcOffset function in moment. For example, both of the following will return the current time in India.



这篇关于如何将 IST 时区对象添加到 Moment.js的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何将 IST 时区对象添加到 Moment.js
