Leaflet Draw Plugin:如何按图层类型动态隐藏/显示绘图工具

Leaflet Draw Plugin: How to hide/show drawing tools by Layer Type dynamically(Leaflet Draw Plugin:如何按图层类型动态隐藏/显示绘图工具)

本文介绍了Leaflet Draw Plugin:如何按图层类型动态隐藏/显示绘图工具的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm using draw plugin in my project and I would like to know how can I hide/show drawing tools by layer type?

例如,假设我有 2 层,其中一层是多边形,另一层是线.

For example, let's say I have 2 layers one of them type is Polygon and the other one is Line.


之后,如果用户选择Line layer,我想隐藏多边形绘图工具.我看过 here 但这个例子使工具静态化,我想动态地改变.我该怎么做?

After that, If user select Line layer, I want to hide Polygon drawing tool. I've looked here but this example is making tools static, I want to change dynamically. How can I do that?




I solved it myself. I'm adding this draw control when map initialized.

 drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
    draw : {
        position : 'topleft',
        polygon : false,
        polyline : false,
        rectangle : false,
        circle : false

    edit : false



After that, i wrote a function for resetting drawing tools.

  function setDrawingTools(layerType) {


    if (layerType == 'Polygon') {

        drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
            draw : {
                position : 'topleft',
                polygon : {
                    title : 'Draw a sexy polygon!',
                    allowIntersection : false,
                    drawError : {
                        color : '#b00b00',
                        timeout : 1000
                    shapeOptions : {
                        color : '#bada55'
                    showArea : true
                polyline : false,
                rectangle : false,
                circle : false,
                marker : false
            edit : false
    } else if (layerType == 'Line') {

        drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
            draw : {
                position : 'topleft',
                polygon : false,
                polyline : {
                    metric : false
                rectangle : false,
                circle : false,
                marker : false
            edit : false
    } else if (layerType == 'Point') {

        drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
            draw : {
                position : 'topleft',
                polygon : false,
                polyline : false,
                rectangle : false,
                circle : false

            edit : false


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