
Nodemon watch option broken(Nodemon监视选项损坏)



我正在使用 gulp-nodemon

config 目录只包含一个文件 server.js.

config directory includes only one file, server.js.

  script: 'config/server.js',
  watch: ['config/**/*.js']
.on('restart', function () {
  setTimeout(function () {
   }, 1000);


[gulp] [nodemon] v1.2.1
[gulp] [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[gulp] [nodemon] watching: config/**/*.js
[gulp] [nodemon] starting `node config/server.js`
[gulp] [nodemon] watching 34,325 files - this might cause high cpu usage. To reduce use "--watch".


If i include an ignore option it fixes.

ignore: [

即使我告诉它只看配置目录,为什么 nodemon 还要看一切?

Why does nodemon watch everything even when I tell it to watch only config directory?

从输出中也可以看出,它只监视配置目录 [nodemon] 监视:config/**/*.js

Also it appears from the output it only watches the config directory [nodemon] watching: config/**/*.js


这似乎是 nodemon 的错误 本身,因为我能够使用简单的 nodemon 命令重现它:

This seems to be a bug with nodemon itself, because I was able to reproduce it using the simple nodemon command :

> nodemon --watch app server.js
[nodemon] v1.2.1
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: app/**/*
[nodemon] starting `node server.js`
[nodemon] watching 72,981 files - this might cause high cpu usage. To reduce use "--watch"

nodemon 的默认行为是监视项目根目录下的所有目录,并忽略一些目录,如 node_modulesbower_components.sass_cache.这个默认的 ignore 实际上不起作用,但已在 此 PR 中修复.应用此修复程序,我的输出与预期一样.

The default behavior of nodemon is to watch all the directories in the root of your project, and to ignore some directories like node_modules, bower_components or .sass_cache. This default ignore don't work actually, but was fixed in this PR. Applying this fix, my output was just as expected.

> nodemon --watch app server.js
[nodemon] v1.2.1
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: app/**/*
[nodemon] starting `node server.js`

我使用这两种配置进行了测试,即使出现警告,我的 nodemon 也没有刷新不在指定 watched 目录中的文件更改,并且正常工作正如预期的那样,没有性能问题.这更可能是对我的误报警告.

I tested using both configurations, and even with the warning, my nodemon was not refreshing on a file change that is not in the specified watched directory, and working just as expected with no performance issue. It's more likely a false-positive warning to me.

但现在我建议您坚持使用 ignore 规则,直到将其合并到 nodemon 或找到其他解决方法.

But for now I advice you to stay with your ignore rule until this is merged into nodemon or another workaround is found.

这里有一些相关的问题:#46, #366 和 #32

Here some related issues about that : #46, #366 and #32


