带有 sourceComments 的 Gulp 中的 SASS 任务:'map' 产生 'Assertion failed'

SASS task in gulp with sourceComments: #39;map#39; produces #39;Assertion failed#39;(带有 sourceComments 的 Gulp 中的 SASS 任务:map 产生 Assertion failed)

本文介绍了带有 sourceComments 的 Gulp 中的 SASS 任务:'map' 产生 'Assertion failed'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个使用 AngularJS、D3、Pixi.js 和 gulp 作为构建系统的 Web 应用程序.除了 gulp-sass 之外,这一切都很好.以下是相关代码:

I have a web app I'm developing using AngularJS, D3, Pixi.js, and gulp as a build system. It all works great together, except gulp-sass. Here's the relevant code:

gulp.task('sass-dev', ['clean-dev'], function() {
  return gulp.src( cfg.appFiles.rootSass )
    .pipe( sass({ errLogToConsole: true }))
    .pipe( gulp.dest( cfg.buildDir+cfg.destDirs.css  ) )
    .pipe( livereload( server ) );

cfg 只是一个具有预定义全局变量的变量.如果我做第三行

cfg is just a variable that has predefined globs. If I make the third line

 .pipe( sass({ errLogToConsole: true, sourceComments: 'map' }))


by adding the mapping of the source (useful for debugging), I get the following fatal error.

Assertion failed: (val->IsString()), function _NanGetExternalParts, file ../node_modules/nan/nan.h, line 1725.
Abort trap: 6

在我同事的计算机上,无论有没有映射,它都能完美运行.在我看来,每次映射源注释时它都会失败,并且在没有映射的情况下也能完美运行.两台计算机都是运行最新版本的 node (npm)、bowerOS X 的 iMac.

On my colleague's computer, it works perfectly with or without mapping. On mine, it fails every time with the source comments mapped, and works perfectly without mapping. Both computers are iMacs running the latest version of node (npm), bower, and OS X.

知道是什么原因造成的吗?gulpgulp-sass 本身的问题?

Any idea what could be causing this? Issue in gulp or gulp-sass itself?



{ errLogToConsole: true, sourceComments: 'map', sourceMap: 'sass' }.


There's always seems to be something weird going on.

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本文标题为:带有 sourceComments 的 Gulp 中的 SASS 任务:'map' 产生 'Assertion failed'
