新窗口未在 Chrome 中作为选项卡打开

new window doesn#39;t open as tab in Chrome(新窗口未在 Chrome 中作为选项卡打开)

本文介绍了新窗口未在 Chrome 中作为选项卡打开的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为 Chrome 构建的东西.

I'm building something ONLY for Chrome.

我想用 window.open 打开几个标签页(Chrome 会阻止它,但我可以启用它).但是 Chrome 将它们作为新窗口而不是标签打开!

I want to open several tabs with window.open (which Chrome blocks but I can live with enabling it). But Chrome opens them as new windows instead of tabs!

由于一些不清楚的原因,我只找到了关于 相反的信息.我怎样才能做到这一点?

And for some unclear reason I found only information regarding the opposite. How can I achive this?

如果是这样,我怎样才能在 Chrome 不阻止它们的情况下调用程序化标签打开?

And if at it, how can I invoke programmatic tab openings without Chrome blocking them?


I have seen some posts saying it's not possible and that's it's a browser preference. First of all, I have no idea how to set that preference! Secondly, I saw people claiming they did it, so who to believe to?

编辑 2:我发现 Chrome 会打开新窗口而不是打开标签,因为它是一个 JavaScript 窗口打开而不是用户点击.有谁知道我如何伪造真正的点击?因为调用点击事件仍然算作非用户点击

EDIT 2: I found out that Chrome opens new windows and not open tabs because it's a JavaScript window opening and not user clicks. Anyone knows how I can fake a real click? Because calling the click event still counts as not user clicks



If your popup is created by a direct user action (not blocked by the popup blocker) and using the default options it will open in a new tab. If you create it programmatically, it will open as a new window. There is no way to change this behavior.


What you can do, although it is a really bad hack, is create the popup on a user action and then set the location to the final destination using a reference to the popup later on, like the following:

<a href="javascript:;" id="testAnchor" />

var popup1 = null;

document.getElementById('testAnchor').onclick = function() {
    popup1 = window.open('about:blank', 'popup1');

  setTimeout(function() {
       popup1.location = 'LOCATION_ON_THE_SAME_ORIGIN_AS_THE_OPENER';

  }, 5000);

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本文标题为:新窗口未在 Chrome 中作为选项卡打开
