Javascript: onclick/onsubmit for dynamically created button(Javascript:动态创建按钮的 onclick/onsubmit)
I dynamically create a button in the way I found in the Internet:
Page = function(...) {
Page.prototype = {
addButton : function() {
var b = content.document.createElement('button');
b.onclick = function() { alert('OnClick'); }
Unfortunately, it's not working and throwing the following error:
Error: [Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111
(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://knowledgizer/content
/knowledgizer.js :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 137" data: no]
Source File: chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.xml Line: 434
setAttribute 工作的解决方案:
The solution with setAttribute work:
b.setAttribute("onClick", "alert('OnClick')");
但是,我想调用一个类方法(而不是警报),我希望/认为 b.onclick 语法在这方面看起来更好.这个 onclick 是否区分大小写?因为如果我写
However, I want to call a class method (instead of alert), and the b.onclick syntax looks better in that respect, I hope/think. is this onclick case senstive? Because if I write
b.onClick = function() {alert("OnClick");} // notice the spelling onclick vs onClick
I don't get the error above, but it's still not working, i.e. I don't get the alert. I'm thankful for any tips.
As a bonus question: How can I avoid that the current page is reload when the button is clicked? I just like call a method and not to cause a page reload.
var foo = function(){
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = 'click me';
button.onclick = function(){
alert('here be dragons');return false;
// where do we want to have the button to appear?
// you can append it to another element just by doing something like
// document.getElementById('foobutton').appendChild(button);
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本文标题为:Javascript:动态创建按钮的 onclick/onsubmit

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