Element innerHTML getting rid of event listeners(元素 innerHTML 摆脱了事件监听器)
I have a function for adding buttons to a page.
var count = 0;
function createOnclickFunction(number)
return function()
alert("This is button number " + number);
function addButton(data)
var newbutton = "..." //creates string from data
var element = document.getElementById("mydiv");
var children = element.children;
element.innerHTML = newbutton + element.innerHTML;
var currentCount = count;
children[0].onclick = createOnclickFunction(currentCount)
它基本上是根据一些数据在 html 中创建一个按钮.
It basically creates a button into the html based off some data.
每次我添加一个按钮时,我都希望将它添加到 div #mydiv
的开头,并且由于 newbutton 也不是 Element
Every time I add a button, I would like it to be added to the start of div #mydiv
, and since newbutton is also not an Element
, but a String
, I have to modify the innerHtml to add it to the start of #mydiv
之后,我必须通过获取 #mydiv
的第一个子元素来获取元素(以添加 onclick).
Afterwards, I must get the element (to add an onclick), by getting the first child of #mydiv
但是,在向我的页面添加第二个按钮后,第一个按钮 onclick 不再起作用.
However, after adding a second button to my page, the first button onclick no longer works.
If I modify my code to only add one button, everything works fine.
So now, only the top button (the latest added button), can be clicked.
How can I fix this?
我也尝试过使用 element.firstChild
而不是 element.children[0]
I've also tried to use element.firstChild
instead of element.children[0]
这是一个 jsfiddle:(如您所见,唯一有效的按钮是 stackoverflow
Here is a jsfiddle: ( as you can see the only button that works is stackoverflow
看来你误会了问题.问题是您正在覆盖 innerHTML
It seems you misunderstood the problem. The problem is that you are overwriting innerHTML
in order to insert contents.
切勿使用 innerHTML
Never use innerHTML
to insert contents. It will remove all the internal data, like event listeners. This is what happens here.
如果你想添加一些 HTML 字符串,使用 insertAdjacentHTML
If you want to prepend some HTML string, use insertAdjacentHTML
var count = 0;
function createOnclickFunction(number) {
return function() {
alert("This is button number " + number);
function addButton(data) {
var newbutton = "<button>Click me</button>" //creates string from data
var element = document.getElementById("mydiv");
element.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', newbutton);
var children = element.children;
children[0].onclick = createOnclickFunction(count)
<div id="mydiv"></div>
这篇关于元素 innerHTML 摆脱了事件监听器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:元素 innerHTML 摆脱了事件监听器

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