Onclick 事件被自动调用

Onclick event getting called automatically(Onclick 事件被自动调用)

本文介绍了Onclick 事件被自动调用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我编写了一个名为 MyClass 的 JavaScript 类,我在其中定义了一个方法 closeThis

I wrote a JavaScript class called MyClass in which I've defined a method closeThis

MyClass = function() {
  this.closeThis = function() {
    document.getElementById("hidePane").style.display = 'none';

现在,在我的 html 中,我尝试将其称为如下...

Now, in my html, i'm trying to call that as follows...

<script type="text/javascript">
  function callThis() {
    var myclassObj = new MyClass();
    document.getElementById("closeButton").onclick = myclassObj.closeThis();

当我点击一个按钮时,上面的 callThis 将被调用.这里的问题是,clsoeButtion 顶部的 onclick 事件在页面加载时被自动调用.这有什么问题?

The above callThis will be called when I clicked on a button. The problem here is, onclick event on top of clsoeButtion is getting called automatically when page loads. What could be wrong in this?



You're calling the function right away.


When you leave the parentheses on the function reference, what you're basically saying is:


Evaluate the closeThis function and assign the result to onclick


when what you really want to do is assign the function reference to the click handler:

document.getElementById("closeButton").onclick = myclassObj.closeThis;

省略括号,您会将 closeThis 函数绑定到 onclick.这句话的意思是:

Leave out the parentheses instead, and you'll bind the closeThis function to the onclick. What this instead says is:

将函数 closeThis 分配给点击处理程序.

Assign the function closeThis to the click handler.


You are essentially assigning the function to the variable as a first-class object, or a reference to a function.


As an aside, my personal preference is to always use an anonymous function wrapper. Sometimes you need to be able to pass parameters into your function, and this makes sure that you can more easily do so:

document.getElementById("closeButton").onclick = 
    function() {

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本文标题为:Onclick 事件被自动调用
