
C++17 class template partial deduction(C++17类模板部分推导)



我对模板的理解类模板的参数推导 提议是在推导上下文中将模板函数和模板类的行为同质化.但我觉得我误解了一些东西.

My understanding about the Template argument deduction for class templates proposal was to homogenize the behaviour of template functions and template classes in deduction contexts. But I think that I have misunderstood something.


If we have this template object:

template <std::size_t S, typename T>
struct test
    static constexpr auto size = S;
    using type_t = T;

    test(type_t (&input)[size]) : data(input) {}
    type_t (&data)[size]{};


I tend to use a helper function as syntactic sugar for creating test objects:

template <std::size_t S, typename T>
test<S, T> helper(T (&input)[S]) { return input; }


int main()
    int buffer[5];

    auto a = helper<5, int>(buffer); // No deduction
    auto b = helper<5>(buffer);      // Type deduced
    auto c = helper(buffer);         // Type and size deduced

    std::cout << a.size << b.size << c.size;

    return 0;

上面的代码按预期输出 555.我使用较新的编译器设置在 Wandbox 中尝试了相同的操作1:

The code above outputs 555 as expected. I've tried the same in Wandbox using the newer compiler setup1:

int main()
    int buffer[5];

    test<5, int> a(buffer); // No deduction: Ok.
    test<5> b(buffer);      // Type deduced: FAILS.
    test c(buffer);         // Type and size deduced: Ok.

    std::cout << a.size << b.size << c.size;

    return 0;


It looks like template argument deduction for class templates works only deducing all the parameters, I was expecting both behaviours (helper function and class template) to be the same, did I misunderstood something?

1Wandbox 中最后可用的编译器是 gcc HEAD 7.0.1 201701clang HEAD 5.0.0 (trunk).>

1The last compilers availables in Wandbox are gcc HEAD 7.0.1 201701 and clang HEAD 5.0.0 (trunk).


来自这个优秀的旅行报告 由 Botond Ballo 撰写:

From this excellent trip report by Botond Ballo:


The feature as originally proposed included a provision for partial deduction, where you explicitly specify some of the template arguments, and leave the rest to be deduced, but this was pulled over concerns that it can be very confusing in some cases:

// Would have deduced tuple<int, string, float>,
// but tuple<int> is a well-formed type in and of itself!
tuple<int> t(42, "waldo", 2.0f);


