How do I make an image resize to scale in Qt?(如何使图像调整大小以在 Qt 中缩放?)
我创建了一个名为 ImageLabel 的类,它扩展了 QLabel.我希望它保持它显示的图像的大小比例,无论它有多拉伸.当您使窗口变大时,它工作正常.当您尝试使窗口变小时,问题就出现了:它不会调整高度的大小,而是将其拉伸.我该如何解决这个问题?
I made a class called ImageLabel which extends QLabel. I want it to keep the size ratio of the image that it is displaying no matter how stretched out it is. It works fine when you make the window larger. The problem comes in when you try to make the window smaller: it doesnt resize the height, it leaves it stretched out. How do I fix this?
There are a couple ways to do this, but most of all I would recommend maybe not fighting against the layout system by trying to hint the aspect. As you can see, you are having to try and implement a number methods trying to help the layout.
I can offer two examples. Neither of them use layouts...
第一个使用子 QLabel
The first uses a child QLabel
to show the image, and drives its fixed size off of the resize event:
第二个示例基于@Arnold_Spence 给出的答案.它甚至更短,因为它不使用子 QLabel.它只是在绘制事件中绘制像素图:
The second example is based off of the answer given by @Arnold_Spence. It is even shorter as it doesn't use a child QLabel. It just draws the pixmap in the paint event:
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