产生 NaN 浮点数时停止调试器

Stopping the debugger when a NaN floating point number is produced(产生 NaN 浮点数时停止调试器)

本文介绍了产生 NaN 浮点数时停止调试器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 C++ 程序.在程序中的某处(难以重现,但可重现)计算会导致浮点蜂设置为 NaN.由于涉及 NaN 的浮点运算会导致 NaN,因此传播速度很快.

I have an C++ program. Somewhere in the program (hard to reproduce, but reproduceable) a caclculation results in a float beeing set to a NaN. Since a floating point operation involving a NaN results in a NaN, this spreads fast.

有什么方法可以设置编译器 (gcc 4.4) 或调试器 (gdb) 在浮点运算导致 NaN 时停止?这将非常有用.

Is there any way I can setup the compiler (gcc 4.4) or the debuger (gdb) to stop when a floating point operation results in a NaN? That would be extremely useful.


PS:这可能很重要:我在 ubuntu linux 10.10 下工作.

PS: It might matter: I am working under ubuntu linux 10.10.


您可以启用浮点异常 - 参见 glibc 控制函数 - 当你的 NaN 值产生时你会得到一个 SIGFPE

You could enable floating point exceptions - see glibc Control Functions - then you'll get a SIGFPE when your NaN value is produced

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本文标题为:产生 NaN 浮点数时停止调试器
