How to handle or avoid a stack overflow in C++(如何在 C++ 中处理或避免堆栈溢出)
在 C++ 中,堆栈溢出通常会导致程序不可恢复的崩溃.对于需要真正健壮的程序,这是一种不可接受的行为,特别是因为堆栈大小是有限的.关于如何处理问题的几个问题.
In C++ a stack overflow usually leads to an unrecoverable crash of the program. For programs that need to be really robust, this is an unacceptable behaviour, particularly because stack size is limited. A few questions about how to handle the problem.
Is there a way to prevent stack overflow by a general technique. (A scalable, robust solution, that includes dealing with external libraries eating a lot of stack, etc.)
Is there a way to handle stack overflows in case they occur? Preferably, the stack gets unwound until there's a handler to deal with that kinda issue.
有些语言的线程具有可扩展的堆栈.类似的东西在 C++ 中可能吗?
There are languages out there, that have threads with expandable stacks. Is something like that possible in C++?
如果对 C++ 行为的解决方案有任何其他有用的意见,我们将不胜感激.
Any other helpful comments on the solution of the C++ behaviour would be appreciated.
Handling a stack overflow is not the right solution, instead, you must ensure that your program does not overflow the stack.
Do not allocate large variables on the stack (where what is "large" depends on the program). Ensure that any recursive algorithm terminates after a known maximum depth. If a recursive algorithm may recurse an unknown number of times or a large number of times, either manage the recursion yourself (by maintaining your own dynamically allocated stack) or transform the recursive algorithm into an equivalent iterative algorithm
A program that must be "really robust" will not use third-party or external libraries that "eat a lot of stack."
请注意,某些平台会在发生堆栈溢出时通知程序并允许程序处理错误.例如,在 Windows 上,会引发异常.此异常不是 C++ 异常,但它是异步异常.而 C++ 异常只能由 throw
Note that some platforms do notify a program when a stack overflow occurs and allow the program to handle the error. On Windows, for example, an exception is thrown. This exception is not a C++ exception, though, it is an asynchronous exception. Whereas a C++ exception can only be thrown by a throw
statement, an asynchronous exception may be thrown at any time during the execution of a program. This is expected, though, because a stack overflow can occur at any time: any function call or stack allocation may overflow the stack.
问题是堆栈溢出可能导致异步异常被抛出,即使是从不期望抛出任何异常的代码(例如,从标记为 noexcept
或 throw()
在 C++ 中).因此,即使您确实以某种方式处理了此异常,您也无法知道您的程序处于安全状态.因此,处理异步异常的最好方法是根本不处理它(*).如果抛出一个,则意味着程序包含错误.
The problem is that a stack overflow may cause an asynchronous exception to be thrown even from code that is not expected to throw any exceptions (e.g., from functions marked noexcept
or throw()
in C++). So, even if you do handle this exception somehow, you have no way of knowing that your program is in a safe state. Therefore, the best way to handle an asynchronous exception is not to handle it at all(*). If one is thrown, it means the program contains a bug.
Other platforms may have similar methods for "handling" a stack overflow error, but any such methods are likely to suffer from the same problem: code that is expected not to cause an error may cause an error.
(*) 有一些非常罕见的例外情况.
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本文标题为:如何在 C++ 中处理或避免堆栈溢出

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