如何将 Platform::String 转换为 char*?

How to convert Platform::String to char*?(如何将 Platform::String 转换为 char*?)

本文介绍了如何将 Platform::String 转换为 char*?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何转换 Platform::String 的内容以供需要基于 char* 的字符串的函数使用?我假设 WinRT 为此提供了帮助函数,但我找不到它们.

How do I convert the contents of a Platform::String to be used by functions that expect a char* based string? I'm assuming WinRT provides helper functions for this but I just can't find them.



Platform::String::Data() 将返回一个 wchar_t const* 指向内容的字符串(类似于 std::wstring::c_str()).Platform::String 代表一个不可变的字符串,因此没有访问器来获取 wchar_t*.您需要复制其内容,例如转换为 std::wstring,进行更改.

Platform::String::Data() will return a wchar_t const* pointing to the contents of the string (similar to std::wstring::c_str()). Platform::String represents an immutable string, so there's no accessor to get a wchar_t*. You'll need to copy its contents, e.g. into a std::wstring, to make changes.

没有直接方法来获得char*char const*,因为Platform::String使用宽字符(所有 Metro 风格应用程序都是 Unicode 应用程序).您可以使用 WideCharToMultiByte 转换为多字节.

There's no direct way to get a char* or a char const* because Platform::String uses wide characters (all Metro style apps are Unicode apps). You can convert to multibyte using WideCharToMultiByte.

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本文标题为:如何将 Platform::String 转换为 char*?
