OpenCV - how to capture rtsp video stream(OpenCV - 如何捕获 rtsp 视频流)
例如,我们有工作 rtsp 流测试,如:rtsp://"(它在发布这篇文章时起作用)
for example we have working rtsp stream test like: "rtsp://" (it works in moment of publishing this post)
现在我想在 openCV (opencv 2.4.7/2.4.8) 中捕捉这个视频流我的代码在本地电影文件上运行良好,但是当我尝试捕获 rtsp 时,我收到如下消息:无法读取电影文件 rtsp://"
Now I want to catch this video stream in openCV (opencv 2.4.7 / 2.4.8) I've my code works perfectly on local movie files but when I try to capture rtsp I get msgs like: "Couldn't read movie file rtsp://"
I've tried few different ways like:
CvCapture *camera = cvCreateFileCapture("rtsp://");
if (camera == NULL) {
printf("video is null, aborting...");
return -1;
printf("video ok");
cv::VideoCapture vcap;
//open the video stream and make sure it's opened
if(!"rtsp://")) {
std::cout << "Error opening video stream or file" << std::endl;
return -1;
以下代码对我来说没有任何问题.如果您有流的用户名和密码,请不要忘记将其包含在 url 地址中.
The following code works for me without any problem. If you have a username and password for the stream, do not forget to include it in the url address.
cv::VideoCapture capture(url);
if (!capture->isOpened()) {
cv::namedWindow("TEST", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cv::Mat frame;
while(m_enable) {
if (!capture->read(frame)) {
cv::imshow("TEST", frame);
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本文标题为:OpenCV - 如何捕获 rtsp 视频流

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