const_iterators 更快吗?

Are const_iterators faster?(const_iterators 更快吗?)

本文介绍了const_iterators 更快吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们的编码指南更喜欢 const_iterator,因为与普通的 iterator 相比,它们要快一些.当您使用 const_iterator 时,编译器似乎优化了代码.

Our coding guidelines prefer const_iterator, because they are a little faster compared to a normal iterator. It seems like the compiler optimizes the code when you use const_iterator.

这真的正确吗?如果是,那么内部究竟发生了什么使 const_iterator 更快?.

Is this really correct? If yes, what really happens internally that makes const_iterator faster?.

我写了一个小测试来检查 const_iteratoriterator 并发现不同的结果:

I wrote small test to check const_iterator vs iterator and found varying results:

对于迭代 10,000 个对象,const_terator 花费的时间少了几毫秒(大约 16 毫秒).但并非总是.存在两者相等的迭代.

For iterating 10,000 objects const_terator was taking a few milliseconds (around 16 ms) less. But not always. There were iterations in which both were equal.


如果不出意外,const_iterator 阅读 更好,因为它告诉任何阅读代码的人我"我只是在这个容器上迭代,而不是弄乱所包含的对象".

If nothing else, a const_iterator reads better, since it tells anyone reading the code "I'm just iterating over this container, not messing with the objects contained".


That's a great big win, never mind any performance differences.

这篇关于const_iterators 更快吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:const_iterators 更快吗?
