'Head First' 风格的数据结构算法书?

#39;Head First#39; Style Data Structures amp; Algorithms Book?(Head First 风格的数据结构算法书?)

本文介绍了'Head First' 风格的数据结构算法书?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我喜欢关于面向对象设计的 Head First 系列书籍.这是对这个主题的一个非常温和和有趣的介绍.我目前正在学习数据结构课程,发现我们正在使用的文本(Kruse/Ryba 数据结构和 C++ 中的程序设计)非常枯燥且难以理解.这主要是由于我自己在数学领域的局限性.

有没有人知道数据结构文本的风格比较轻松,带有幽默感,但仍然涵盖了所有基础知识,例如二叉树、B 树和图?


Steve Skiena 的 noreferrer">算法设计手册 不完全是一个桶笑声,但它在更深层次的数学上相对较少,并且包含许多他所谓的战争故事",这些是来自现实世界情况的说明性示例,在这些情况下,算法工作确实得到了回报(或者有时完全失败).他还有在线音频和视频讲座,穿插幽默的演讲风格,所以这可能是你正在寻找的.

I loved the Head First series book on object oriented design. It was a very gentle and funny introduction to the subject. I am currently taking a data structures class and find the text we are using (Kruse/Ryba Data Structures and Program Design in C++) to be very dry and hard to comprehend. This is mostly due I think to my own limitations in the area of Mathematics.

Does anyone know of a Data Structures text that is written in a lighter style, with a sense of humor, that still covers all the basics like Binary Trees, B Trees, and Graphs?


The Algorithm Design Manual by Steve Skiena isn't exactly a barrel of laughs, but it's relatively light on the deeper mathematics and contains lots of what he calls "War Stories", which are illustrative examples from real world situations where algorithm work really paid off (or, sometimes, totally failed). He's also got his audio and video lectures online, and he's got a nice lecture style with bits of humor interspersed, so it might be what you are looking for.

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