如何让 IntelliSense 在 Visual Studio 2008 中可靠地工作

How to get IntelliSense to reliably work in Visual Studio 2008(如何让 IntelliSense 在 Visual Studio 2008 中可靠地工作)

本文介绍了如何让 IntelliSense 在 Visual Studio 2008 中可靠地工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有谁知道在 C/C++ 项目中工作时如何让 IntelliSense 可靠地工作?它似乎适用于大约十分之一的文件.Visual Studio 2005 似乎比 2008 好很多.

Does anyone know how to get IntelliSense to work reliably when working in C/C++ projects? It seems to work for about 1 in 10 files. Visual Studio 2005 seems to be a lot better than 2008.


Whilst not necessarily a solution, the work-around provided here:

如何让 IntelliSense在 Visual Studio 2008 中可靠地工作

如果我想要一个像样的 IntelliSense 系统,这可能是最好的选择.

Is probably the best bet if I want a decent IntelliSense system.


我也意识到 Intellisense 有时会迷失"在某个大项目中.为什么?不知道.

I've also realized than Intellisense is sometime 'lost', on some big project. Why? No idea.

这就是我们购买 Visual Assist(来自 Tomato 软件) 并通过删除 Visual Studio 子目录 (C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8VCvcpackages) 中的 dll feacp.dll 禁用 Intellisense

This is why we have bought Visual Assist (from Tomato software) and disabled Intellisense by deleting the dll feacp.dll in the Visual studio subdirectory (C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8VCvcpackages)


This is not a solution, just a workaround.

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