如何以编程方式确定 Windows 计算机是否是域的成员?

How do you programmatically determine whether a Windows computer is a member of a domain?(如何以编程方式确定 Windows 计算机是否是域的成员?)

本文介绍了如何以编程方式确定 Windows 计算机是否是域的成员?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要一种方法来确定运行我的程序的计算机是否加入了任何域.它属于哪个特定域并不重要,重要的是它是否连接到任何东西.我正在 vc++ 中针对 Win32 API 进行编码.

I need a way to determine whether the computer running my program is joined to any domain. It doesn't matter what specific domain it is part of, just whether it is connected to anything. I'm coding in vc++ against the Win32 API.



如何确定 Windows NT/Windows 2000 计算机是否为域成员

此方法使用 Windows API.来自文章摘要:

This approach uses the Windows API. From the article summary:

本文介绍了如何确定一台计算机是运行 Windows NT 4.0 或 Windows 2000是域的成员,是成员属于工作组,或者是独立的使用本地安全的计算机权限 API.

This article describes how to determine if a computer that is running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 is a member of a domain, is a member of a workgroup, or is a stand-alone computer using the Local Security Authority APIs.


The article also provides sample code for a small program that outputs whether the computer the program is running on is part of a domain, part of a workgroup, or a standalone computer.

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