Problem with EOF when determine stream end(确定流结束时出现EOF问题)
当我尝试使用函数 feof(FILE *)
如果在读取 10 个字节后立即调用具有 10 个字节数据的文件,则不会告诉 true.我需要一个额外的读取操作,当然返回 0,然后 feof(FILE *)
When I try to determine end of file with function feof(FILE *)
, I find it does not work as I expected: an extra read is required even if the stream does end. e.g. feof(FILE*)
will not tell true if invoked on a file with 10 bytes data just after reading 10 bytes out. I need an extra read operation which of course return 0, then feof(FILE *)
will say "OK, now you reach the end."
我的问题是为什么还需要一个 read
以及如何确定文件的结尾,或者如果我不想要 feof
My question is why does one more read
required and how to determine end of file or how to know how many bytes left in a file stream if I don't want the feof
不要使用 feof() 或任何变体 - 就这么简单.您希望它以某种方式预测下一次读取将失败,但这不是它的作用 - 它告诉您上一次读取的结果是什么.读取文件的正确方法是(在伪代码中):
Do not use feof() or any variants - it is as simple as that. You want it to somehow predict the next read will fail, but that's not what it does - it tells you what the result of the PREVIOUS read was. The correct way to read a file is (in pseudocode):
while( read( file, buffer ) ) {
do something with buffer
也就是说,需要测试读操作的结果.对于 C 流和 C++ iostream 都是如此.
In other words, you need to test the result of the read operation. This is true for both C streams and C++ iostreams.

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