Using ifstream to read floats(使用 ifstream 读取浮点数)
我正在尝试使用 ifstream 从 .out 文件中读取一系列浮点数,但是如果我之后输出它们,它们就不正确.
I'm trying to read a series of floats from a .out file using ifstream, but if I output them afterwards, they are not correct.
float x, y, z;
ifstream table;"Resources/bones.out");
if (
cout << "Can't open table" << endl;
return ;
table >> x;
table >> y;
table >> z;
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
0.488454 0.510216 0.466979
0.487242 0.421347 0.472977
0.486773 0.371251 0.473103
现在进行测试,我只是将第一行读入 x
和 z
Now for testing, i'm just reading the first line into x
and z
and my output is
1 0 2
Any ideas as to why I'm not getting the right output?
#include <fstream>
#include <strtk.hpp> //
std::string filename("Resources/bones.out");
// assuming the file is text
std::fstream fs;, std::ios::in);
if( return false;
const char *whitespace = "
std::string line;
std::vector<float> floats;
std::vector<std::string> strings;
float x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0;
std::string xs, ys, zs;
// process each line in turn
while( std::getline(fs, line ) )
// Removing beginning and ending whitespace
// can prevent parsing problems from different line endings.
// formerly accomplished with boost::algorithm::trim(line)
strtk::remove_leading_trailing(whitespace, line);
// strtk::parse combines multiple delimiters in these cases
if( strtk::parse(line, whitespace, floats ) )
std::cout << "succeed" << std::endl;
// floats contains all the values on the in as floats
if( strtk::parse(line, whitespace, strings) )
std::cout << "succeed" << std::endl;
// strings contains all the values on the in line as strings
if( strtk::parse(line, whitespace, x, y, z) )
std::cout << "succeed" << std::endl;
// x,y,z contain the float values. parse fails if more than 3 floats are on the line
if( strtk::parse(line, whitespace, xs, ys, zs) )
std::cout << "succeed" << std::endl;
// xs,ys,zs contain the strings. parse fails if more than 3 strings are on the line
This is how I would solve it. You can pick your way to parse the data.
这篇关于使用 ifstream 读取浮点数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用 ifstream 读取浮点数

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