
Difference between an inline function and static inline function(内联函数和静态内联函数的区别)




Can anybody tell me what the difference is between an inline function and static inline function?


In which cases should I prefer static inline over inline?


I am asking this question because I have an inline function for which I am facing compilation issues during linking (relocation error:... symbol has been discarded with discarded section ...). I made it a normal function and it worked. Now some of my seniors told me try with static inline. Below is my function:

inline void wizSendNotifier (const char* nn_name, bpDU* arg=0, int aspect = -1)
   wizuiNotifier* notifier = ::wizNtrKit.getNotifier (nn_name);
   notifier->notify (arg, aspect);


and this not inside a class. This is inside a header file!

我想对静态函数的调用应该只在定义它的特定 TU 中完成.

I guess the call to a static function should be done only in the particular TU where it is defined.


Since my function is in a header file and if i make it static, will it be the case that where ever I include that header file the static function can used used in that translation unit?


非静态inline 函数声明在使用它的每个翻译单元(源文件)中引用相同的函数.

The non-static inline function declaration refers to the same function in every translation unit (source file) that uses it.

单一定义规则要求函数定义的主体在包含它的每个 TU 中都是相同的,并且有一个较长的相同"定义.如果源文件都使用相同的标头,并且该函数不使用任何具有内部链接的全局名称(包括 static 函数)或任何在不同的 TU.

The One Definition Rule requires that the body of the function definition is identical in every TU that contains it, with a longish definition of "identical". This is usually satisfied provided that the source files all use the same header, and provided that the function doesn't use any global names with internal linkage (including static functions) or any macros that are defined differently in different TUs.


I don't remember encountering that particular linker error before, but it's at least possible that one of these restrictions is responsible. It's your responsibility to satisfy the requirements: undefined behavior with no diagnostic required if you don't.

static inline 函数声明指的是每个翻译单元中的不同函数,恰好具有相同的名称.它可以使用在不同 TU 中不同的 static 全局名称或宏,在这种情况下,该函数在不同 TU 中的行为可能不同,即使其在头文件中的定义看起来相同".

The static inline function declaration refers to a different function in each translation unit, that just so happens to have the same name. It can use static global names or macros that are different in different TUs, in which case the function might behave differently in the different TUs, even though its definition in the header file "looks the same".

由于这种差异,如果函数包含任何static 局部变量,那么它的行为会根据它是否为static 而有所不同.如果它是 static,那么每个 TU 都有自己的函数版本,因此有自己的 static 局部变量副本.如果它是 inline only,那么所有 TU 使用的 static 局部变量只有一个副本.

Because of this difference, if the function contains any static local variables then it behaves differently according to whether it is static or not. If it is static then each TU has its own version of the function and hence its own copy of the static local variables. If it's inline only, then there is only one copy of the static local variables used by all TUs.


