Memory management issue with deleting QQuickView in Qt5.3(mingw32)(在 Qt5.3(mingw32) 中删除 QQuickView 的内存管理问题)
我们正在使用 Qt/Qml 开发应用程序(Qml 嵌入在 QWidget 中).删除包含 QQuickView(嵌入式)的 QWidget 时,分配的内存不会完全释放.
We are developing an application with Qt/Qml (Qml is embedded in the QWidget). When deleting a QWidget that contains a QQuickView (embedded), the allocated memory won't be freed entirely.
通过向应用程序添加 QWidget,将分配大约 30MB 的内存,但是当小部件删除时,只会释放大约 20MB 的内存.
By adding a QWidget to application, about 30MB of memory will be allocated but when the widget deletes, only about 20MB of memory will be freed.
In the destructor of QWidget, I have deleted the QQuickView instance and there are no other big objects.
另外,我很确定 QQuickView 没有正确释放内存.
Also, I am pretty sure that the QQuickView doesn't release memory properly.
如何释放 QQuickView 分配的全部内存?
How can I free entire memory allocated by QQuickView?
NOTE: The code is really big (160000 Lines), therefore I can't put sample code.
我已经写了一个快速测试来确定在创建和删除 QQUickWidget
I've written a quick test to determine if there is an actual leak in the creation and deletion of a QQUickWidget
class Widget : public QWidget {
Widget(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWidget(parent) {
widget = 0;
count = 0;
resize(200, 200);
layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
QTimer * t = new QTimer(this);
connect (t, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(toggleQuickView()));
public slots:
void toggleQuickView() {
if (!widget) {
widget = new QQuickWidget;
connect(widget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(echo()));
} else {
widget = 0;
void echo() {
if (!GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &memcount, sizeof(memcount))) return;
qDebug() << ++count << "created and destroyed," << memcount.WorkingSetSize / (1024 * 1024) << "MB memory used";
QVBoxLayout * layout;
QQuickWidget * widget;
int count;
它有一个计时器,可以创建/销毁一个带有加载的 QML 文件的 QQuickWidget
,虽然结果最初上升,但内存使用情况会及时稳定,表明不太可能有Qt 代码中的内存泄漏,如果您确实发生了内存泄漏,则问题不在 Qt 中,而在您自己的代码中.
It has a timer that creates/destroys a QQuickWidget
with a loaded QML file inside, and although the results initially ramp up, the memory usage stabilizes in time, indicating it is not likely there was a memory leak in the Qt code, and that if you indeed leak memory, the fault does not lie in Qt but in your own code.
Also, it is worth mentioning that the task manager actually showed the process using less memory than GetProcessMemoryInfo()
, and I think the latter is the more accurate measure of the two. The task manager reading also didn't indicate any memory leaking although its value fluctuated more.
1 created and destroyed, 41 MB memory used
2 created and destroyed, 44 MB memory used
3 created and destroyed, 44 MB memory used
4 created and destroyed, 48 MB memory used
5 created and destroyed, 48 MB memory used
6 created and destroyed, 48 MB memory used
7 created and destroyed, 48 MB memory used
8 created and destroyed, 48 MB memory used
9 created and destroyed, 48 MB memory used
10 created and destroyed, 48 MB memory used
11 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
12 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
13 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
14 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
15 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
16 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
17 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
18 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
19 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
20 created and destroyed, 52 MB memory used
21 created and destroyed, 53 MB memory used
50 created and destroyed, 53 MB memory used
100 created and destroyed, 53 MB memory used
200 created and destroyed, 53 MB memory used
500 created and destroyed, 53 MB memory used
这篇关于在 Qt5.3(mingw32) 中删除 QQuickView 的内存管理问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:在 Qt5.3(mingw32) 中删除 QQuickView 的内存管理问题

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