How to detect memory leaks in QtCreator on Windows?(如何在 Windows 上的 QtCreator 中检测内存泄漏?)
如何在 Windows 上的 QtCreator 中检测内存泄漏?在文档上,他们推荐 Memcheck,但它仅适用于 Mac 和 Linux.对 Windows 有什么建议吗?
How can I detect memory leaks in QtCreator on Windows? On the doc, they recommend Memcheck but it only works on Mac and Linux. Any suggestion for Windows?
经过多次尝试,我终于找到了一种在 Windows 上检测 Qt 项目内存泄漏的方法:
After many tries I finally found a method to detect the memory leaks of a Qt project on Windows:
1) 首先,它不能直接在Qt Creator中完成,因此您需要创建一个Visual C++项目来进行内存泄漏检测.值得庆幸的是,qmake 使这变得容易.打开Qt SDK命令行工具,运行:
1) First, it cannot be done directly in Qt Creator so you need to create a Visual C++ project to do the memory leak detection. Thankfully, qmake makes this easy. Open the Qt SDK command line tool and run:
这会将您的项目转换为 .vcproj.
This will convert your project to a .vcproj.
2) 打开这个项目并添加必要的内存泄漏检测代码:
2) Open this project and add the necessary code for memory leak detection:
到您的 main.cpp 文件:
3) 有了这个,您的项目现在应该能够检测内存泄漏.请注意 _MSC_VER
定义,只有当您从 Visual C++(而不是从 Qt Creator)运行此代码时才会执行此代码.这意味着您仍然可以使用 Qt Creator 进行开发,只需在需要检查内存泄漏时重新运行步骤 1.
3) With this, your project should now be able to detect memory leaks. Note the _MSC_VER
defines so that this code is only executed when your run it from Visual C++ (not from Qt Creator). It means you can still do the development with Qt Creator and just re-run step 1 whenever you need to check for memory leaks.
4) 要中断特定的内存分配,请使用 _CrtSetBreakAlloc()
Microsoft 网站上的更多信息内存泄漏检测:
4) To break at a particular memory allocation, use _CrtSetBreakAlloc()
More information memory leak detection on Microsoft's website:
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