Visual Studio 2015 运行时依赖项或如何摆脱 Universal CRT?

Visual studio 2015 run-time dependencies or how to get rid of Universal CRT?(Visual Studio 2015 运行时依赖项或如何摆脱 Universal CRT?)

本文介绍了Visual Studio 2015 运行时依赖项或如何摆脱 Universal CRT?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用 Visual Studio 2015 编译了几个 .dll,并尝试在一些较旧的 Windows 7/64 位上进行部署.还试图猜测应用程序启动和复制 MSVCP140.DLL & 需要哪些 dll.VCRUNTIME140.DLL - 但应用程序无法加载 vs2015 dll.开始分析出了什么问题 - 依赖遍历器显示了来自以下 dll 的依赖:

Compiled couple of .dll's using visual studio 2015, and tried to deploy on some older windows 7 / 64 bit. Tried also to guess which dll's are needed for application to start and copied MSVCP140.DLL & VCRUNTIME140.DLL - but application could not load vs2015 dll. Started to analyze what is wrong - and dependency walker showed dependencies from following dll's:


这特别令人惊讶,因为据我所知,CRT 负责启动 dll/exe,它不提供任何更高级别的服务.

This was especially surprising since to my best understanding CRT is responsible for starting dll/exe, it does not provide any higher level services.


Ok, tried to figure out how to get rid of them or at least to minimize.


它提到了发布静态库 - 所以我认为我可以链接它们并摆脱 *L1-1-0.DLL* 依赖地狱,但无论我尝试过什么 - 我都没有成功.我尝试链接 libvcruntime.lib、libucrt.lib、libcmt.lib,尝试禁用使用链接器选项/nodefaultlib:vcruntime.lib",甚至尝试添加包含目录 $(UniversalCRT_IncludePath),并且还覆盖了一些定义的,因为我试图猜测它们有效 - 我的尝试都没有帮助.

It mentions about release static libraries - so I thought that I could link against them and get rid from *L1-1-0.DLL* dependency hell, but no matter what I have tried - I had no success. I've tried to link against libvcruntime.lib, libucrt.lib, libcmt.lib, tried to disable using linker option "/nodefaultlib:vcruntime.lib", and even tried to add include directory $(UniversalCRT_IncludePath), and also overriding some of define's as I have tried to guess they works - none of my attempts helped.

作为中间解决方案,我已经回退到使用 Visual Studio 2013,其中 CRT dll 只有两个:msvcp120.dll、msvcr120.dll.

As an intermediate solution I've fall back to using Visual studio 2013, where CRT dll's are only two: msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll.

当然,您可能会建议安装 Visual Studio 2015 运行时,但我们的要求之一是支持独立的可执行文件 - 无需任何安装即可运行 - 所以现在额外安装是不可能的.

Of course you will probably recommend to install Visual studio 2015 run-times, but one of our requirement is to support standalone executable - which works without any installation - so additional installation is out of question for now.

除了等待 Visual Studio 2017 到来之外,您还能向我推荐什么吗?

Can you recommend me anything else than to wait Visual studio 2017 to arrive ?


(11.10.2016 更新).

(Updated 11.10.2016).

可以通过静态链接来摆脱通用 CRT,我稍后会讲到,但让我们继续看看你是否继续使用通用 CRT.

It's possible to get rid of universal CRT by linking it statically, I'll get to it later on, but let's take a look if you continue to use universal CRT as such.

根据文章 -可以使用以下文件夹中的通用 crt dll 可分发文件启动您的应用程序:C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Redistucrt

According to article - it's possible to launch your application using universal crt dll distributables from following folder: C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Redistucrt

列表中共有 41 个文件,总共 1.8 Mb 大小.(以 64 位平台为例)

There are 41 files totally in list with 1.8 Mb size in total. (example for 64-bit platform)

当然还不够,还需要额外的vcruntime140.dll &msvcp140.dll 来自以下文件夹:C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0VC edistx64Microsoft.VC140.CRT

Of course it's not enough, you will need additionally vcruntime140.dll & msvcp140.dll coming from following folder: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0VC edistx64Microsoft.VC140.CRT

所以在那之后,除了您的应用程序之外,您还将总共发送 43 个额外的 dll.

So after that you will ship totally 43 additional dll's besides your application.

也可以在您的应用程序中静态编译 ucrt 库,之后您将不需要 43 个 dll -但是静态链接是否会在链接后使用 - 取决于您的应用程序 - 使用了多少个 dll 和哪些 api.通常,在 ucrt 链接到两个不同的 dll 之后,它们不一定会彼此共享相同的全局变量 - 这可能会导致错误.

It's also possible to statically compile ucrt library inside your application after which you will not need 43 dll's - but whether static link will for after linking or not - depends on your application - how many dll's and which api's are in use. Generally after ucrt gets linked into two different dll's they don't necessarily share same globals with each other - which can results in errors.

您需要链接 vcruntime.lib/msvcrt.lib,但这还不够 - 还有额外的 _VCRTIMP=_ACRTIMP=定义哪些需要从 ucrt 拉取函数中禁用.

You need to link against vcruntime.lib / msvcrt.lib, but it's not sufficient - there are extra _VCRTIMP= and _ACRTIMP= defines which needs to be disabled from pulling functions from ucrt.

如果您使用的是 premake5,您可以像这样配置您的项目:

If you're using premake5 you can configure your project like this:

defines { "_VCRTIMP="}
linkoptions { "/nodefaultlib:vcruntime.lib" }
links { "libvcruntime.lib" }


defines { "_ACRTIMP="}
linkoptions { "/nodefaultlib:msvcrt.lib" }
links { "libcmt.lib" }

Microsoft 未记录定义 - 因此将来可能会更改.

Defines are not documented by Microsoft - so it's possible that it's subject to change in future.


Besides your own projects, you will need to re-compile all static libraries which are in use in your projects.

至于 boost 库 - 我也设法使用 b2.exe boostrapper 编译了 boost

As for boost libraries - I've managed to compile boost as well, using b2.exe boostrapper

boost>call b2 threading=multi toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64 --stagedir=release_64bit --build-dir=intermediate_64but release link=static,shared --with-atomic --with-线程 --with-date_time --with-filesystemdefine=_VCRTIMP=define=_ACRTIMP=

在对链接问题进行故障排除时 - 请注意由于 dllimport 关键字的使用而导致未解析的 __imp* 函数名称 -如果您链接到 libvcruntime.lib,则不应有任何 __imp* 引用.

When troubleshooting linking problems - notice that unresolved __imp* function names from because of dllimport keyword usage - and if you link against libvcruntime.lib, you should not have any __imp* references.

这篇关于Visual Studio 2015 运行时依赖项或如何摆脱 Universal CRT?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Visual Studio 2015 运行时依赖项或如何摆脱 Universal CRT?
