C++ 中是否有隐式默认构造函数?

Is there an implicit default constructor in C++?(C++ 中是否有隐式默认构造函数?)

本文介绍了C++ 中是否有隐式默认构造函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我目前正在阅读的书中(C++没有恐惧)它说如果你没有为一个类声明一个默认的构造函数,编译器会为你提供一个,它将每个数据成员归零".我已经对此进行了试验,但没有看到任何归零行为.我也无法在 Google 上找到任何提及此内容的内容.这只是特定编译器的错误还是怪癖?

In the book I'm reading at the moment (C++ Without Fear) it says that if you don't declare a default constructor for a class, the compiler supplies one for you, which "zeroes out each data member". I've experimented with this, and I'm not seeing any zeroing -out behaviour. I also can't find anything that mentions this on Google. Is this just an error or a quirk of a specific compiler?



If you do not define a constructor, the compiler will define a default constructor for you.


  • 默认构造基类(如果基类没有默认构造函数,则编译失败)
  • 默认按照声明的顺序构造每个成员变量.(如果成员没有默认构造函数,这是编译失败).

POD 数据(int、float、pointer 等)没有显式构造函数,但默认操作是什么都不做(在 C++ 哲学的风向标中;除非我们明确要求,否则我们不想为某些东西付费).

The POD data (int,float,pointer, etc.) do not have an explicit constructor but the default action is to do nothing (in the vane of C++ philosophy; we do not want to pay for something unless we explicitly ask for it).


If no destructor/copy Constructor/Copy Assignment operator is defined the compiler builds one of those for you (so a class always has a destructor/Copy Constructor/Assignment Operator (unless you cheat and explicitly declare one but don't define it)).
The default implementation is:

  • 如果定义了用户定义的析构函数,则执行提供的代码.
  • 以与声明相反的顺序调用每个成员的析构函数
  • 调用基类的析构函数.
  • 调用基类复制构造函数.
  • 按照声明的顺序为每个成员变量调用复制构造函数.
  • 调用基类赋值运算符
  • 按照声明的顺序调用每个成员变量的复制赋值运算符.
  • 返回对此的引用.

注意 POD 数据的复制构造/赋值运算符只是复制数据(因此存在与 RAW 指针相关的浅拷贝问题).

Note Copy Construction/Assignment operator of POD Data is just copying the data (Hence the shallow copy problem associated with RAW pointers).


If no destructor/copy Constructor/Copy Assignment/Move Constructor/Move Assignment operator is defined the compiler builds the move operators for you one of those for you.
The default implementation is:


Implicitly-declared move constructor If no user-defined move constructors are provided for a class type (struct, class, or union), and all of the following is true:

  • 调用基类复制构造函数.
  • 按照声明的顺序为每个成员变量调用移动构造函数.
  • 调用基类赋值运算符
  • 按照声明的顺序调用每个成员变量的移动赋值运算符.
  • 返回对此的引用.

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本文标题为:C++ 中是否有隐式默认构造函数?
