什么是 C++ 中的复制构造函数?

What is a copy constructor in C++?(什么是 C++ 中的复制构造函数?)

本文介绍了什么是 C++ 中的复制构造函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Scott Meyers 的 Effective C++ 的第 6 页中,定义了术语复制构造函数".我一直在使用 Schiltdt 的书作为我的参考,但我找不到任何提到复制构造函数的内容.我明白了,但这是 C++ 的标准部分吗?当按值传递类时,这样的构造函数会被调用吗?

On page 6 of Scott Meyers's Effective C++, the term 'copy constructor' is defined. I've been using Schiltdt's book as my reference and I can find no mention of copy constructors. I get the idea but is this a standard part of c++? Will such constructors get called when a pass a class by value?



A copy constructor has the following form:

class example 
    example(const example&) 
        // this is the copy constructor


The following example shows where it is called.

void foo(example x);

int main(void)
    example x1; //normal ctor
    example x2 = x1; // copy ctor
    example x3(x2); // copy ctor

    foo(x1); // calls the copy ctor to copy the argument for foo


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本文标题为:什么是 C++ 中的复制构造函数?
