Read file names from a directory(从目录中读取文件名)
我想知道在 C++ 中是否有一种简单的方法可以从包含多个文件的文件夹中读取多个文件名.如果有人想知道,它们都是位图.
I was wondering if there's an easy way in C++ to read a number of file names from a folder containing many files. They are all bitmaps if anyone is wondering.
我对 windows 编程不太了解,所以我希望可以使用简单的 C++ 方法来完成.
I don't know much about windows programming so I was hoping it can be done using simple C++ methods.
Boost 提供了一个 basic_directory_iterator
它提供了一个符合 C++ 标准的输入迭代器,它可以访问目录的内容.如果可以使用Boost,那么这至少是跨平台代码.
Boost provides a basic_directory_iterator
which provides a C++ standard conforming input iterator which accesses the contents of a directory. If you can use Boost, then this is at least cross-platform code.

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