Conversion function for error checking considered good?(用于错误检查的转换函数考虑好了吗?)
I'd like to have a simple way of checking for an object to be valid. I thought of a simple conversion function, something like this:
operator bool() const { return is_valid; }
Checking for it to be valid would be very simple now
// is my object invalid?
if (!my_object) std::cerr << "my_object isn't valid" << std::endl;
Is this considered a good practise?
在 C++03 中,您需要使用 安全布尔习语 避免邪恶的事情:
In C++03, you need to use the safe bool idiom to avoid evil things:
int x = my_object; // this works
在 C++11 中,您可以使用显式转换:
In C++11 you can use an explicit conversion:
explicit operator bool() const
// verify if valid
return is_valid;
这样你就需要明确转换为 bool,这样你就不会再意外地做疯狂的事情(在 C++ 中,你总是可以故意做疯狂的事情):
This way you need to be explicit about the conversion to bool, so you can no longer do crazy things by accident (in C++ you can always do crazy things on purpose):
int x = my_object; // does not compile because there's no explicit conversion
bool y = bool(my_object); // an explicit conversion does the trick
This still works as normal in places like if
and while
that require a boolean expression, because the condition of those statements is contextually converted to bool:
// this uses the explicit conversion "implicitly"
if (my_object)
这在 §4[conv] 中有记录:
表达式 e
当且仅当声明 T t=e;
格式良好,对于一些发明的临时变量 t
(§8.5).某些语言结构要求表达式为转换为布尔值.一个表达式 e
出现在这样的上下文被认为是上下文转换为 bool
并且格式良好当且仅当声明 bool t(e);
格式正确,对于某些发明了临时变量 t
An expression
can be implicitly converted to a typeT
if and only if the declarationT t=e;
is well-formed, for some invented temporary variablet
(§8.5). Certain language constructs require that an expression be converted to a Boolean value. An expressione
appearing in such a context is said to be contextually converted tobool
and is well-formed if and only if the declarationbool t(e);
is well-formed, for some invented temporary variablet
(§8.5). The effect of either implicit conversion is the same as performing the declaration and initialization and then using the temporary variable as the result of the conversion.
(区别在于使用 bool t(e);
而不是 bool t = e;
(What makes the difference is the use of bool t(e);
instead of bool t = e;
发生这种上下文转换到 bool 的地方是:
The places were this contextual conversion to bool happens are:
语句的条件;- 逻辑否定运算符
; - 条件运算符
; static_assert
- the conditions of
, andfor
statements; - the operators of logical negation
, logical conjunction&&
, and logical disjunction||
; - the conditional operator
; - the condition of
; - the optional constant expression of the
exception specifier;

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