
Is a struct#39;s address the same as its first member#39;s address?(结构的地址是否与其第一个成员的地址相同?)




struct Bitmask
  unsigned char payload_length: 7;
  unsigned char mask: 1;
  unsigned char opcode: 4;
  unsigned char rsv3: 1;
  unsigned char rsv2: 1;
  unsigned char rsv1: 1;
  unsigned char fin: 1;

const char* payload = "Hello";
const size_t payload_length = strlen(payload);

Bitmask* header = new Bitmask();
header->fin =1;
header->rsv1 = 0;
header->rsv2 = 0;
header->rsv3 = 0;
header->opcode = 1;
header->mask = 0;
header->payload_length = payload_length;

iovec iov[2];
iov[0].iov_base = (char*)header;
iov[0].iov_len = sizeof (header);
iov[1].iov_base = (char *)payload;
iov[1].iov_len = strlen(payload);

            ACE_TEXT ("iov[0].length = %d
iov[1].length = %d

size_t bytes_xfered;
client_stream_.sendv_n (iov, 2, 0, &bytes_xfered);

cout << "Transfered " << bytes_xfered << " byte(s)" << std::endl;

我正在使用适当的值对其进行初始化.最后,我想将结构转换为 char* 以便我可以附加我的有效负载(即 char* 消息)并通过 websocket 连接发送它.

I am initializing it with appropriate values. Finally, I want to convert the struct into char* so I can append my payload (which is char* message) and send it over a websocket connection.



Is a struct's address the same as its first member's address?

是的,这实际上是 C 和 C++ 标准规定的.来自 C 标准:

Yes, this is actually mandated by the C and C++ standards. From the C standard:一个指向结构对象的指针,经过适当的转换,指向它的初始成员 A pointer to a structure object, suitably converted, points to its initial member

struct 的大小应该是两个字节.但是,您不应将指向它的指针转换为 char*:相反,您应该使用 memcpy 将您的 Bitmask 复制到您通过网络发送的缓冲区中.

The size of your struct should be two bytes. You should not convert a pointer to it to char*, though: instead, you should use memcpy to copy your Bitmask into the buffer that you send over the network.

EDIT 由于您将分散-聚集 I/O 与 iovec 一起使用,因此您无需将 Bitmask 转换为任何内容:iov_basevoid*,所以你可以简单地设置 iov[0].iov_base = header;

EDIT Since you use scatter-gather I/O with iovec, you do not need to cast Bitmask to anything: iov_base is void*, so you can simply set iov[0].iov_base = header;

注意:这仅在您的 struct 不包含虚函数、基类等时才有效(感谢 Timo).

Note: This works only as long as your struct does not contain virtual functions, base classes, etc. (thanks, Timo).


为了在您的 struct 中获得 {0x81, 0x05},您应该按如下方式更改结构元素的顺序:

In order to get {0x81, 0x05} in your struct, you should change the order of structure elements as follows:

struct Bitmask {
    unsigned char opcode: 4; 
    unsigned char rsv3: 1; 
    unsigned char rsv2: 1; 
    unsigned char rsv1: 1; 
    unsigned char fin: 1; 
    unsigned char payload_length: 7; 
    unsigned char mask: 1;


