bidirectional iterator over file/ifstream(文件/ifstream 上的双向迭代器)
I need an input file stream which would have a bidirectional iterator/adapter.
(和类似的)只能与 std::istream_iterator
Unfortunately std::ifstream
(and similar) can be used only with std::istream_iterator
which is a kind of forward iterator which cannot go backwards. (or am I mistaken here?)
I could simply load the whole file to memory and then use a much more powerful random-access iterator over the array; however I would like to avoid that, and read only as much as I really need. It may happen that I really need only a small portion of a file.
我可以使用 C stdio.h
I could somehow do it manually using C stdio.h
functions, but that will be painful. I would basically need to implement a bidirectional iterator, with all its specification in mind, by hand.
我正在考虑研究 boost iostream 库,但手册有点不知所措,我希望有人能帮我实现这个特定的目标?或者也许有另一个已经存在的库可以完全满足我的需要?
I am considering looking into boost iostream library, but the manual is somewhat overwhelming, I was hoping someone could give me a hand to achieve this particular goal? Or maybe there is another already existing library to do exactly what I need?
我需要 boost xpressive 库的迭代器来解析我的文件,它期望迭代器可以递增也可以递减.如果我正在读取的文件被缓冲,我会很好,尽管这不是必需的.
I need the iterator for the boost xpressive library to parse my files, which expects that the iterator can be incremented as well as decremented. I would be fine if the file I am reading is buffered, although this is not a requirement.
If I were to traverse a file in the wrong direction, I would start off questioning my requirements. This seems to be a contrived way to do things and most likely something got messed up dramatically somewhere.
Once I confirmed that this is indeed the requirement I would realize that we are definitely talking files here, rather than e.g. a named pipe or a socket. That is, it would be possible memory map at least parts of the file. I would use this to create an iterator which walks the memory. Since obviously an iterator is needed, there is no need to involve streams. If streams were needed too, I would still memory map the file and reverse buffers from the back in a custom stream buffer.
When actually reading from the start and just needing to be able to move backwards when necessary, it may be simpler than this: keeping a buffer of the already read data and expending it when moving off the end plus possibly reading the entire file if the end iterator is used to move backwards should address this. Here is code which certainly can read a file forward and backward but isn't thoroughly tested:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
class bidirectional_stream
class iterator;
typedef iterator const_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
bidirectional_stream(std::istream& in):
iterator begin();
iterator end();
reverse_iterator rbegin();
reverse_iterator rend();
bool expand()
char buffer[1024];
this->, sizeof(buffer));
this->buffer_.insert(this->buffer_.end(), buffer, buffer + this->in_.gcount());
return 0 < this->in_.gcount();
long read_all()
return this->buffer_.size();
char get(long index) { return this->buffer_[index]; }
long current_size() const { return this->buffer_.size(); }
std::istream& in_;
std::vector<char> buffer_;
class bidirectional_stream::iterator
typedef char value_type;
typedef char const* pointer;
typedef char const& reference;
typedef long difference_type;
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
iterator(bidirectional_stream* context, size_t pos):
bool operator== (iterator const& other) const
return this->pos_ == other.pos_
|| (this->pos_ == this->context_->current_size()
&& !this->context_->expand()
&& other.pos_ == std::numeric_limits<long>::max());
bool operator!= (iterator const& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
char operator*() const { return this->context_->get(this->pos_); }
iterator& operator++() { ++this->pos_; return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator rc(*this); this->operator++(); return rc; }
iterator& operator--()
if (this->pos_ == std::numeric_limits<long>::max())
this->pos_ = this->context_->read_all();
return *this;
iterator operator--(int) { iterator rc(*this); this->operator--(); return rc; }
bidirectional_stream* context_;
long pos_;
bidirectional_stream::iterator bidirectional_stream::begin()
return iterator(this, 0);
bidirectional_stream::iterator bidirectional_stream::end()
return iterator(this, std::numeric_limits<long>::max());
bidirectional_stream::reverse_iterator bidirectional_stream::rbegin()
return reverse_iterator(this->end());
bidirectional_stream::reverse_iterator bidirectional_stream::rend()
return reverse_iterator(this->begin());
只需创建一个 bidirectional_stream
并将要读取的流作为参数,然后使用 begin()
和 end()
Just create a bidirectional_stream
with the stream you want to read as an argument and then use the begin()
and end()
methods to actually access it.
这篇关于文件/ifstream 上的双向迭代器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:文件/ifstream 上的双向迭代器

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