Using boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source with std::multimap(使用 boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source 和 std::multimap)
我有大量数据要分析 - 每个文件大约 5gigs.每个文件的格式如下:
I have a rather large amount of data to analyse - each file is about 5gigs. Each file is of the following format:
xxxxx yyyyy
Both key and value can repeat, but the keys are sorted in increasing order. I'm trying to use a memory mapped file for this purpose and then find the required keys and work with them. This is what I've written:
if (data_file != "")
clock_start = clock();;
data_multimap = (std::multimap<double, unsigned int> *);
if (data_multimap != NULL)
std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = data_multimap->find(keys_to_find[4]);
if (it != data_multimap->end())
std::cout << "Element found.";
for (std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = data_multimap->lower_bound(keys_to_find[4]); it != data_multimap->upper_bound(keys_to_find[5]); ++it)
std::cout << it->second;
std::cout << "
clock_end = clock();
std::cout << "Time taken to read in the file: " << (clock_end - clock_start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "
std::cerr << "Element not found at all" << "
std::cerr << "Nope - no data received."<< "
基本上,我需要找到键的范围并将这些块拉出来进行处理.我第一次尝试在多图上使用方法时出现段错误.例如,当 find
Basically, I need to locate ranges of keys and pull those chunks out to work on. I get a segfault the first time I try to use a method on the multimap. For example, when the find
method is called. I tried the upper_bound
, lower_bound
and other methods too, and still get a segfault.
这就是 gdb
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
_M_lower_bound (this=<optimized out>, __k=<optimized out>, __y=<optimized out>, __x=0xa31202030303833) at /usr/include/c++/4.9.2/bits/stl_tree.h:1261
1261 if (!_M_impl._M_key_compare(_S_key(__x), __k))
Could someone please point out what I'm doing wrong? I've only been able to find simplistic examples on memory mapped files - nothing like this yet. Thanks.
The file I described above is basically a two column plain text file which a neural simulator gives me as the output of my simulations. It's simple like this:
$ du -hsc 201501271755.e.ras
4.9G 201501271755.e.ras
4.9G total
$ head 201501271755.e.ras
0.013800 0
0.013800 1
0.013800 10
0.013800 11
0.013800 12
0.013800 13
0.013800 14
0.013800 15
0.013800 16
0.013800 17
第一列是时间,第二列是此时发射的神经元 - (这是一个尖峰时间光栅文件).实际上,输出是用于运行模拟的每个 MPI 等级的类似文件.使用 sort -g -m
The first column is time, the second column is the neurons that fired at this time - (it's a spike time raster file). Actually, the output is a file like this from each MPI rank that is being used to run the simulation. The various files have been combined to this master file using sort -g -m
. More information on the file format is here:
为了在模拟的特定时间计算神经元集的放电率和其他指标,我需要 - 在文件中定位时间,在 [time -1,time] 之间拉出一个块并运行一些指标和在这个块上等等.这个文件非常小,随着我的模拟变得越来越复杂并且运行时间更长,我预计它的大小会增加很多.这就是我开始研究内存映射文件的原因.我希望能在某种程度上澄清问题陈述.我只需要读取输出文件来处理它包含的信息.我根本不需要修改这个文件.
To calculate the firing rate and other metrics of the neuron set at certain times of the simulation, I need to - locate the time in the file, pull out a chunk between [time -1,time] and run some metrics and so on on this chunk. This file is quite small and I expect the size to increase quite a bit as my simulations get more and more complicated and run for longer time periods. It's why I began looking into memory mapped files. I hope that clarifies the problem statement somewhat. I only need to read the output file to process the information it contains. I do not need to modify this file at all.
To process the data, I'll use multiple threads again, but since all my operations on the map are read-only, I don't expect to run into trouble there.
Multi maps aren't laid out sequentially in memory. (They're node-based containers, but I digress). In fact, even if they were, chances would be slim that the layout would match that of the text input.
There's basically two ways you can make this work:
- 继续使用
但使用自定义分配器(以便所有分配都在映射的内存区域中完成).这是最好的"从高级 C++ 的角度来看,/但是/您需要将文件更改为二进制格式.
- Keep using the
but use a custom allocator (so that all allocations are done in the mapped memory region). This is the "nicest" from a high-level C++ viewpoint, /but/ you will need to change to a binary format of your file.
如果可以,这就是我的建议.Boost Container + Boost Interprocess 拥有让这一切变得相对轻松所需的一切.
If you can, this is what I'd suggest. Boost Container + Boost Interprocess have everything you need to make this relatively painless.
You write a custom container "abstraction" that works directly on the mapped data. You could either
- 识别xxxx yyyy"从任何地方配对(行结束?)或
- 建立文件中所有行开始的索引.
Using these you can devise an interator (Boost Iterator iterator_facade
) that you can use to implement higher level operations (lower_bound
, upper_bound
and equal_range
Once you have these, you're basically all set to query this memory map as a readonly key-value database.
Sadly, this kind of memory representation would be extremely bad for performance if you also want to support mutating operations (insert
, remove
If you have an actual sample of the file, I could do a demonstration of either of the approaches described.
使用 boost::interprocess,您可以(非常)简单地定义您想要的多图:
With boost::interprocess you can (very) simply define the multimap you desire:
namespace shared {
namespace bc = boost::container;
template <typename T> using allocator = bip::allocator<T, bip::managed_mapped_file::segment_manager>;
template <typename K, typename V>
using multi_map = bc::flat_multimap<
K, V, std::less<K>,
allocator<typename bc::flat_multimap<K, V>::value_type> >;
I chose
, actually) because it is likely more storage efficient, and is much more comparable to the second approach (given below);
注意这个选择会影响迭代器/引用的稳定性,并且会非常喜欢只读操作.如果你需要迭代器稳定性和/或许多变异操作,使用常规 map
) 而不是 flat 变体.
Note that this choice affects iterator/reference stability and will
favours read-only operations pretty heavily. If you need iterator
stability and/or many mutating operations, use a regular map
(or for
very high volumes a hash_map
) instead of the flat variations.
我为这个演示选择了一个 managed_mapped_file
段(这样你就可以获得持久性).该演示展示了 10G 如何被稀疏地预分配,但只有实际分配的空间在磁盘上使用.您同样可以使用 managed_shared_memory
I chose a managed_mapped_file
segment for this demonstration (so you get persistence). The demo shows how 10G is sparsely pre-allocated, but only the space actually allocated is used on disk. You could equally well use a managed_shared_memory
If you have binary persistence, you might discard the text datafile altogether.
我使用 Boost Spirit 将文本数据从 mapped_file_source
解析为 shared::multi_map
I parse the text data into a shared::multi_map<double, unsigned>
from a mapped_file_source
using Boost Spirit. The implementation is fully generic.
或其中任何一个,因为它们在 multi_map
接口中已经是标准的,所以我们只需要编写 main
There is no need to write iterator
classes, start_of_line()
, end_of_line()
, lower_bound()
, upper_bound()
, equal_range()
or any of those, since they're already standard in the multi_map
interface, so all we need to is write main
生活在 Coliru强>
#define NDEBUG
#undef DEBUG
#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_mapped_file.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
namespace bip = boost::interprocess;
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace shared {
namespace bc = boost::container;
template <typename T> using allocator = bip::allocator<T, bip::managed_mapped_file::segment_manager>;
template <typename K, typename V>
using multi_map = bc::flat_multimap<
K, V, std::less<K>,
allocator<typename bc::flat_multimap<K, V>::value_type> >;
#include <iostream>
bip::managed_mapped_file msm(bip::open_or_create, "lookup.bin", 10ul<<30);
template <typename K, typename V>
shared::multi_map<K,V>& get_or_load(const char* fname) {
using Map = shared::multi_map<K, V>;
Map* lookup = msm.find_or_construct<Map>("lookup")(msm.get_segment_manager());
if (lookup->empty()) {
// only read input file if not already loaded
boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source input(fname);
auto f(, l(f + input.size());
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f, l,
(qi::auto_ >> qi::auto_) % qi::eol >> *qi::eol,
qi::blank, *lookup);
if (!ok || (f!=l))
throw std::runtime_error("Error during parsing at position #" + std::to_string(f -;
return *lookup;
int main() {
// parse text file into shared memory binary representation
auto const& lookup = get_or_load<double, unsigned int>("input.txt");
auto const e = lookup.end();
for(auto&& line : lookup)
std::cout << line.first << " " << line.second << "
auto er = lookup.equal_range(line.first);
if (er.first != e) std::cout << " lower: " << er.first->first << " " << er.first->second << "
if (er.second != e) std::cout << " upper: " << er.second->first << " " << er.second->second << "
I implemented it exactly as I described:
const char*
使用 boost::iterator_facade
using boost::iterator_facade
to make an iterator that parses the text on dereference;
用于打印输入行,我使用 boost::string_ref
- 这避免了复制字符串的动态分配.
for printing the input lines I use boost::string_ref
- which avoids dynamic allocations for copying strings.
if (!qi::phrase_parse(
b, _data.end,
qi::auto_ >> qi::auto_ >> qi::eoi,
_data.key, _data.value))
选择 Qi 是为了速度和通用性:您可以在实例化时选择 Key
和 Value
Qi was chosen for speed and genericity: you can choose the Key
and Value
types at instantiation time:
text_multi_lookup<double, unsigned int> tml(, + map.size());
我已经实现了 lower_bound
和 equal_range
const char*
I've implemented lower_bound
, upper_bound
and equal_range
member functions that take advantage of underlying contiguous storage. Even though the "line" iterator
is not random-access but bidirectional, we can still jump to the mid_point
of such an iterator range because we can get the start_of_line
from any const char*
into the underlying mapped region. This make binary searching efficient.
请注意,此解决方案会在取消引用 iterator
Note that this solution parses lines on dereference of the iterator
. This might not be efficient if the same lines are dereferenced a lot of times.
但是,对于不频繁的查找,或在输入数据的同一区域中不常见的查找,这与它可能获得的效率差不多(仅执行最低要求的解析和 O(log n)
But, for infrequent lookups, or lookups that are not typical in the same region of the input data, this is about as efficient as it can possibly get (doing only minimum required parsing and O(log n)
binary searching), all the while completely bypassing the initial load time by mapping the file instead (no access means nothing needs to be loaded).
生活在 Coliru强>(包括测试数据)
#define NDEBUG
#undef DEBUG
#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/string_ref.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <iomanip>
namespace io = boost::iostreams;
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct text_multi_lookup {
text_multi_lookup(char const* begin, char const* end)
: _map_begin(begin),
friend struct iterator;
enum : char { nl = '
' };
using rawit = char const*;
rawit _map_begin, _map_end;
rawit start_of_line(rawit it) const {
while (it > _map_begin) if (*--it == nl) return it+1;
assert(it == _map_begin);
return it;
rawit end_of_line(rawit it) const {
while (it < _map_end) if (*it++ == nl) return it;
assert(it == _map_end);
return it;
struct value_type final {
rawit beg, end;
Key key;
Value value;
boost::string_ref str() const { return { beg, size_t(end-beg) }; }
struct iterator : boost::iterator_facade<iterator, boost::string_ref, boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag, value_type> {
iterator(text_multi_lookup const& d, rawit it) : _region(&d), _data { it, nullptr, Key{}, Value{} } {
assert(_data.beg == _region->start_of_line(_data.beg));
friend text_multi_lookup;
text_multi_lookup const* _region;
value_type mutable _data;
void ensure_parsed() const {
if (!_data.end)
assert(_data.beg == _region->start_of_line(_data.beg));
auto b = _data.beg;
_data.end = _region->end_of_line(_data.beg);
if (!qi::phrase_parse(
b, _data.end,
qi::auto_ >> qi::auto_ >> qi::eoi,
_data.key, _data.value))
std::cerr << "Problem in: " << std::string(_data.beg, _data.end)
<< "at: " << std::setw(_data.end-_data.beg) << std::right << std::string(_data.beg,_data.end);
static iterator mid_point(iterator const& a, iterator const& b) {
assert(a._region == b._region);
return { *a._region, a._region->start_of_line(a._data.beg + (b._data.beg -a._data.beg)/2) };
value_type const& dereference() const {
return _data;
bool equal(iterator const& o) const {
return (_region == o._region) && (_data.beg == o._data.beg);
void increment() {
_data = { _region->end_of_line(_data.beg), nullptr, Key{}, Value{} };
assert(_data.beg == _region->start_of_line(_data.beg));
using const_iterator = iterator;
const_iterator begin() const { return { *this, _map_begin }; }
const_iterator end() const { return { *this, _map_end }; }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return { *this, _map_begin }; }
const_iterator cend() const { return { *this, _map_end }; }
template <typename CompatibleKey>
const_iterator lower_bound(CompatibleKey const& key) const {
auto f(begin()), l(end());
while (f!=l) {
auto m = iterator::mid_point(f,l);
if (m->key < key) {
f = m;
else {
l = m;
return f;
template <typename CompatibleKey>
const_iterator upper_bound(CompatibleKey const& key) const {
return upper_bound(key, begin());
template <typename CompatibleKey>
const_iterator upper_bound(CompatibleKey const& key, const_iterator f) const {
auto l(end());
while (f!=l) {
auto m = iterator::mid_point(f,l);
if (key < m->key) {
l = m;
else {
f = m;
return f;
template <typename CompatibleKey>
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(CompatibleKey const& key) const {
auto lb = lower_bound(key);
return { lb, upper_bound(key, lb) };
#include <iostream>
int main() {
io::mapped_file_source map("input.txt");
text_multi_lookup<double, unsigned int> tml(, + map.size());
auto const e = tml.end();
for(auto&& line : tml)
std::cout << line.str();
auto er = tml.equal_range(line.key);
if (er.first != e) std::cout << " lower: " << er.first->str();
if (er.second != e) std::cout << " upper: " << er.second->str();
好奇:这是拆解.请注意所有算法内容如何直接内联到 main
For the curious: here's the disassembly. Note how all the algorithmic stuff is inlined right into main
这篇关于使用 boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source 和 std::multimap的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用 boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source 和 std::multimap

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