C++ 编译器可以重新排序结构中的元素吗

Can a C++ compiler re-order elements in a struct(C++ 编译器可以重新排序结构中的元素吗)

本文介绍了C++ 编译器可以重新排序结构中的元素吗的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


C++ 编译器(特别是 g++)能否对结构的内部元素重新排序?

Can a C++ compiler (specifically g++) re-order the internal elements of a struct?


I'm seeing some strange behaviour where I have a structure that contains something like the following:

Struct SomeStruct{
   long someLong;
   long someLongArray[25];
   unsigned long someUnsignedLong;
   unsigned long someUnsignedLongArray[8];
   unsigned long int someUnsignedLongInt;

当我将输出写入文件时,someUnsignedLongArraysomeLongArray 的顺序似乎颠倒了(即 someLongArray[] 中的元素出现在 someUnsignedLong 之后,someUnsignedLongArray[] 的元素出现在 someLong 之后).这可能吗??

When I write output this to file, the order of someUnsignedLongArray and someLongArray seem to be reversed (i.e. the elements in someLongArray[] appear after someUnsignedLong and the elements of someUnsignedLongArray[] appear after someLong). Is this possible??



Update: As requested, I am writing out the structure using the following:

int fd = open(fspec,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0666);
int writeRes =  write(fd,(char *)&someStruct,sizeof(SomeStruct));


For completeness, here is the full struct:

struct SomeStruct{
byte someByte;
byte someByteArray[6];
char someChar;
char someCharArray[5];
char someCharArrayArray[3][5];
short someShort;
signed short someShortArray[2];
unsigned short someUnsignedShort;
unsigned short someUnsignedShortArray[8];
int someInt;
int someIntArray[3];
int someIntArrayArrayArrayArray[4][3][2][6];
int *pSomeInt;
unsigned int someUnsignedInt;
unsigned int someUnsignedIntArray[9];
long someLong;
long someLongArray[25];
unsigned long someUnsignedLong;
unsigned long someUnsignedLongArray[8];
unsigned long int someUnsignedLongInt;
long long someLongLong;
long long someLongLongArray[5];
bool someBool;
bool someBoolArray[3];
unsigned long long someUnsignedLongLong;
unsigned long long someUnsignedLongLongArray[5];
unsigned long long someUnsignedLongLongArrayArray[5][2];
unsigned long long int *pSomeUnsignedLongLongInt;



It normally can't reorder elements, no.


An exception is if there's an access specifier separating them:

struct Foo {    
  A a;
  B b;
  C c;
  D d;
  E e;
  F f;

abc 保证按此顺序存储,而def 保证按顺序存储.但是不能保证 abc 相对于 de 的存储位置f.

a, b and c are guaranteed to be stored in this order, and d, e and f are guaranteed to be stored in order. But there is no guarantees about where a, b and c are stored relative to d, e and f.


Another thing to keep in mind is that the compiler can insert as much padding as it likes, even if it doesn't reorder anything.


第 9.2.12 节:

Section 9.2.12:

a 的非静态数据成员(非联合)类声明没有干预访问说明符是分配,以便后来的成员有一个类中的更高地址目的.分配顺序非静态数据成员由一个分隔未指定访问说明符(11.1)"

Nonstatic data members of a (non-union) class declared without an intervening access-specifier are allocated so that later members have higher addresses within a class object. The order of allocation of nonstatic data members separated by an access-specifier is unspecified (11.1)"

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本文标题为:C++ 编译器可以重新排序结构中的元素吗
