MFC:更改 CEdit 的颜色

MFC: Changing the colour of CEdit(MFC:更改 CEdit 的颜色)

本文介绍了MFC:更改 CEdit 的颜色的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


伙计们,谁能简要介绍一下如何在运行时更改 CEdit 控件的背景颜色?如果字段长度为零,我希望能够将背景更改为红色,否则为正常白色.

Guys, can someone give me a brief run through of how to change the background colour of a CEdit control at runtime? I want to be able to change the background to red if the field is zero length and the normal white otherwise.


你不能用一个普通的 CEdit 来完成,你需要覆盖一些位.

You cannot do it with a plain CEdit, you need to override a few bits.

实现您自己的 ON_WM_CTLCOLOR_REFLECT 处理程序,然后在处理程序中返回您的彩色 CBrush:

Implement your own ON_WM_CTLCOLOR_REFLECT handler, then return your coloured CBrush in the handler:


(roughly, you'll need to put the usual resource management in there, rememebr to delete your brush in the destructor)

class CColorEdit : public CEdit
  CBrush   m_brBkgnd;
  afx_msg HBRUSH CtlColor(CDC* pDC, UINT nCtlColor)

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本文标题为:MFC:更改 CEdit 的颜色
