在 msvc 中引用临时文件

Reference a temporary in msvc(在 msvc 中引用临时文件)

本文介绍了在 msvc 中引用临时文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


为什么这会在 MS Visual C++ 上编译?

Why does this compile on MS Visual C++?

struct myClass{};

void func(myClass& arg){}

void main() {
   func( myClass() );  // works even though func only takes myClass& 
}                      // (not const myClass&!!)

这是否也适用于其他编译器,或者是特定于 MSVC 的(甚至是编译器错误?).我什至可以像这样获得这个右值的引用:

Does this work on other compilers as well or is this MSVC specific (or even a compiler bug?). I can even get the reference on this rvalue like this:

void func(myClass* arg){}

int main() {
    func( &myClass() ); 

这仅适用于使用构造函数临时创建的对象.这不适用于任何其他右值,例如 (myClass() + myClass()) ..

This works ONLY on Objects that are temporarily created with a constructor. This wouldn't work with any other rvalue like (myClass() + myClass()) for example..


它可以编译是因为 MSVC 有一个非标准兼容的扩展",允许将非常量引用绑定到临时文件.

It compiles because MSVC has a non-standard compliant "extension" that allows binding non-const references to temporaries.


The first example should not compile on a standards compliant compiler.


In the second example, you are taking the address of a temporary to set the value of a pointer. This should also result in an error.

Clang 3.2 产生:

Clang 3.2 produces:

错误:获取类型为 'Foo' [-Waddress-of-temporary] 的临时对象的地址

error: taking the address of a temporary object of type 'Foo' [-Waddress-of-temporary]

而 GCC 4.7.3 产生

while GCC 4.7.3 produces


error: taking address of temporary [-fpermissive]

这篇关于在 msvc 中引用临时文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:在 msvc 中引用临时文件
