Create video from array of pixel values in C++(从 C++ 中的像素值数组创建视频)
有谁知道一种将存储在数组中的像素值序列保存到视频的方法?目前我正在使用 Cimg 来可视化一个简单的 n 体模拟,同时我可以将每次迭代保存到一个图像文件中,这非常慢.任何有关处理视频的类似库的建议将不胜感激.本质上,我只想将我创建的 Cimg 窗口中显示的内容记录到视频文件中.程序是用C++编写的,在linux上,用g++编译.
Does anyone know of a method to save a sequence of pixel values, stored in an array to a video? Currently I'm using Cimg to visualise a simple n-body simulation, whilst I can save each iteration to an image file, this is very slow. Any suggestions on a similar library for handling video would be appreciated. Essentially, I just want to record what's displayed in the Cimg window I create to a video file. The program is written in C++, on linux, compiling with g++.
The fact that I can run the simulation and record it running with screen capturing software would seem to imply it's possible, but I'd like a tidier solution.
我今天正在玩这个,我想我会分享我的结果.您可以从 CImg 输出原始 RGB 视频,然后使用 ffmpeg 将其编码为视频,如下所示:
I was playing around doing this today, and thought I would share my results. You can output raw RGB video from CImg and then use ffmpeg to encode it up into video like this:
#include <iostream>
#include "CImg.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cimg_library;
int main()
const unsigned int width=1024;
const unsigned int height=768;
// Basic frame we will draw in
CImg<unsigned char> image(width,height,1,3);
unsigned char magenta[] = {255,0,255};
// We are going to output 300 frames of 1024x768 RGB raw video
// ... making a 10s long video at 30fps
int radius=100;
int cx=100;
int cy=100;
for(int frame=0;frame<300;frame++){
// Start with black - it shows fewer stains ;-)
// Move and re-colour circle
cx+=2; cy++; if(magenta[1]!=255){magenta[1]++;}
// Output to ffmpeg to make video, in planar GBR format
// i.e. run program like this
// ./main | ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pixel_format gbrp -video_size 1024x768 -i - -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p
char* s=reinterpret_cast<char*>(*height)); // Get start of G plane
std::cout.write(s,width*height); // Output it
s=reinterpret_cast<char*>(*(width*height)); // Get start of B plane
std::cout.write(s,width*height); // Output it
s=reinterpret_cast<char*>(; // Get start of R plane
std::cout.write(s,width*height); // Output it
I guess I won't make it to Hollywood as the video is not very exciting!
Run the above code like this to make a video:
./main | ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pixel_format gbrp -video_size 1024x768 -i - -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p
注意 1
要意识到的是,CImg 以平面配置存储数据,这意味着首先是所有红色像素,然后是所有绿色像素,然后是所有蓝色像素 - 所有没有任何填充或空格.
The thing to realise is that CImg stores data in a planar configuration, which means all the red pixels first, then all the green ones directly afterwards and then all the blue ones straight after that - all without any padding or spaces.
想象一下 CImg 中的 4x4 图像(16 像素):
Imagine a 4x4 image (with 16 pixels) in CImg:
与常规 RGB 数据不同,它会存储与以下内容相同的图像:
unlike regular RGB data, which would store the same image as:
因此,您可以将所有数据打乱并重新格式化并作为 -pixel_fmt rgb24
传递给 ffmpeg,或者像我一样在 中输出CImg 的平面格式并选择匹配的 -pixel_fmt gbrp
(其中 p
表示 平面").您只需要以正确的 B、G、R 顺序输出平面.另请参阅注释 4.
So, you can either shuffle all the data around and reformat it and pass to ffmpeg as -pixel_fmt rgb24
, or do as I did and output in CImg's planar format and choose a matching -pixel_fmt gbrp
(where the p
means "planar"). You just have to output the planes in the correct B,G,R order. See also Note 4.
注意事项 2
我选择做 3 个 write()
,每个颜色平面一个,为了演示的清晰起见,使用 聚集写入"会更有效. 和 writev()
I chose to do 3 write()
s, one for each colour plane, for the sake of clarity of demonstration, it would be more efficient to use a "gathered write" with writev()
, so this:
char* s=reinterpret_cast<char*>(*height)); // Get start of G plane
std::cout.write(s,width*height); // Output it
s=reinterpret_cast<char*>(*(width*height)); // Get start of B plane
std::cout.write(s,width*height); // Output it
s=reinterpret_cast<char*>(; // Get start of R plane
struct iovec iov[3];
ssize_t nwritten;
iov[0].iov_base = reinterpret_cast<char*>(*height))
iov[0].iov_len = width*height;
iov[1].iov_base = reinterpret_cast<char*>(*(width*height));
iov[1].iov_len = width*height;
iov[2].iov_base = reinterpret_cast<char*>(;
iov[2].iov_len = width*height;
nwritten = writev(STDOUT_FILENO,iov,3);
注意 3
我使用 -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p
使视频与 Mac 上的 Apple QuickTime 兼容,但无论如何您都可以轻松更改输出 -更难的部分是让 CImg 和 fmpeg 之间的接口正确.
I used the -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p
to make the video compatible with Apple's QuickTime on my Mac, but you can change the output easily anyway - the harder part was getting the interface between CImg and fmpeg right.
注意事项 4
如果你想打乱数据并将其写入ffmpeg非平面(-pixel_fmt rgb
If you want to shuffle the data around and write it to ffmpeg non-planar (-pixel_fmt rgb
), I did that originally and the code was like this:
// Outside main loop
unsigned char* BIP = new unsigned char[width*height*3];
unsigned char *d,*r,*g,*b;
// Now output it...
// ... remember CImg is band-interleaved by plane RRRRRR GGGGGG BBBBBB
// ... not band-interleaved by pixel RGB RGB RGB RGB; // Start of R plane in CImg image
g=r+(width*height); // Start of G plane in CImg image
b=g+(width*height); // Start of B plane in CImg image
d=BIP; // Destination buffer in RGB order
for(int i=0;i<width*height;i++){
// Output to ffmpeg to make video, i.e. run program like this
// ./main | ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pixel_format rgb24 -video_size 1024x768 -i - -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p
理论上,您可以使用 CImg 的 permute_axes()
In theory, you can do this with CImg's permute_axes()
method, but I had no success.
这篇关于从 C++ 中的像素值数组创建视频的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:从 C++ 中的像素值数组创建视频

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