如果向量有足够的空间(通过保留创建),std::vector::insert() 是否会使迭代器失效?

Does std::vector::insert() invalidate iterators if the vector has enough room (created through reserve)?(如果向量有足够的空间(通过保留创建),std::vector::insert() 是否会使迭代器失效?)

本文介绍了如果向量有足够的空间(通过保留创建),std::vector::insert() 是否会使迭代器失效?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


回答如何自我复制向量?让我明白对迭代器失效有点困惑.一些文献说如果您使用 insert、push_back 等,请考虑所有迭代器无效".很明显,它可能会导致向量增长,从而使迭代器无效.如果我知道有足够的空间,那么特殊情况呢?

Answering How to self-copy a vector? has got me a bit confused about iterator invalidation. Some literature says "if you use insert, push_back, etc. consider all iterators invalid". Thats clear, it might cause the vector to grow which invalidates iterators. What about the special case where I know there is going to be enough room?


myvec.reserve(myvec.size()*3);  //does this protect me from iterator invalidation?
vector<string>::iterator it = myvec.end();    
myvec.insert(myvec.end(), myvec.begin(), it);
myvec.insert(myvec.end(), myvec.begin(), it);


After some excellent answers second try:

auto size = myvec.size();
myvec.reserve(size*3);  //does this protect me from iterator invalidation?  
myvec.insert(myvec.end(), myvec.begin(), myvec.begin()+size);
myvec.insert(myvec.end(), myvec.begin(), myvec.begin()+size);


After more excellent answers third try:

auto size = myvec.size();
myvec.reserve(size*3);  //does this protect me from iterator invalidation?  
back_insert_iterator< vector<string> > back_it (myvec);
copy (myvec.begin(),myvec.begin()+size,back_it);
copy (myvec.begin(),myvec.begin()+size,back_it);

此引自 Josuttis 的C++ 标准库参考":

This quote from Josuttis' "C++ Standard Library Reference":


Inserting or removing elements invalidates references, pointers, and iterators that refer to the following element. If an insertion causes reallocation, it invalidates all references, iterators, and pointers.


suggests that my code is safe and defined behavior. Is there a passage in the standard which guaranties this?



The past-the-end iterator is always a bit special. I'd be careful. The standard says this (


If no reallocation happens, all the iterators and references before the insertion point remain valid.

这里的关键是插入点之前".由于您的原始 it 不在插入点之前(因为它 插入点),我不会相信它仍然有效.

The key here is "before the insertion point". Since your original it is not before the insertion point (since it is the insertion point), I wouldn't bank on it remaining valid.

这篇关于如果向量有足够的空间(通过保留创建),std::vector::insert() 是否会使迭代器失效?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如果向量有足够的空间(通过保留创建),std::vector::insert() 是否会使迭代器失效?
