在向量中使用 Reserve() 的好处 - C++

Benefits of using reserve() in a vector - C++(在向量中使用 Reserve() 的好处 - C++)

本文介绍了在向量中使用 Reserve() 的好处 - C++的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在处理向量时使用 Reserve 有什么好处.我应该什么时候使用它们?无法找到明确的答案,但我认为在使用它们之前提前预订会更快.

What is the benefit of using reserve when dealing with vectors. When should I use them? Couldn't find a clear cut answer on this but I assume it is faster when you reserve in advance before using them.



如果您知道向量最终将包含多少个元素,这很有用 - 它可以帮助向量避免重复分配内存(并且必须将数据移动到新的记忆).

It's useful if you have an idea how many elements the vector will ultimately hold - it can help the vector avoid repeatedly allocating memory (and having to move the data to the new memory).


In general it's probably a potential optimization that you shouldn't need to worry about, but it's not harmful either (at worst you end up wasting memory if you over estimate).


One area where it can be more than an optimization is when you want to ensure that existing iterators do not get invalidated by adding new elements.

例如,push_back() 调用可能会使向量的现有迭代器无效(如果发生重新分配).但是,如果您保留了足够多的元素,则可以确保不会发生重新分配.不过,这是一种不需要经常使用的技术.

For example, a push_back() call may invalidate existing iterators to the vector (if a reallocation occurs). However if you've reserved enough elements you can ensure that the reallocation will not occur. This is a technique that doesn't need to be used very often though.

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