使用 OpenAL 录制音频

Recording Audio with OpenAL(使用 OpenAL 录制音频)

本文介绍了使用 OpenAL 录制音频的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在比较 C++ 中可用的各种音频库.我想知道,从 OpenAL 开始我有点卡住了.有人可以指出一个示例程序如何使用 C++ 中的 OpenAL 从麦克风录音.

I've been comparing various audio libraries available in C++. I was wondering, I'm kind of stuck starting with OpenAL. Can someone point out an example program how to record from a mic using OpenAL in C++.



上次我检查 OpenAL 时,它非常简单.您创建录音设备并开始录音.然后您只需调用获取缓冲区函数.它会等到有足够的数据填满缓冲区,然后在有足够的数据时返回.

Last time I checked OpenAL it was quite simple. You create the recording device and start the recording going. You then just call the get buffer function. It will wait until there is enough data to fill the buffer and then return when there is enough data.

为什么不看看 OpenAL SDK 附带的捕获"示例...?

Why not just look at the "capture" example that comes with the OpenAL SDK ...?

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本文标题为:使用 OpenAL 录制音频
