如何在 DLL 中使用类?

How to use a class in DLL?(如何在 DLL 中使用类?)

本文介绍了如何在 DLL 中使用类?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我可以将类放入 DLL 中吗?我写的课是这样的:

Can I put a class inside a DLL? The class i wrote is this:

    class SDLConsole
             void getInfo(int,int);
             void initConsole(char*, char*, SDL_Surface*, int, int, int);
             void sendMsg(char*,int, SDL_Surface*);
             void cls(SDL_Surface*);

              TTF_Font *font;
              SDL_Surface *consoleImg;
              int width, pos, height, line, size, ctLine;
              SDL_Surface* render(char*,int);


我知道如何加载 DLL 并在 DLL 中使用该函数,但是如何将类放入 DLL 中?非常感谢.

I know how to load a DLL and use the function inside a DLL, but how can I put a class inside a DLL? Thank you very much.


如果使用运行时动态链接(使用 LoadLibrary 加载 dll)无法直接访问该类,则需要为您的类声明一个接口并创建一个返回此类实例的函数,如下所示:

If you use run time dynamic linking (uses LoadLibrary to load the dll) you cannot access the class directly, you need to declare a interface for your class and create a function that returns a instance of this class, like this:

class ISDLConsole
         virtual void getInfo(int,int) = 0;
         virtual void initConsole(char*, char*, SDL_Surface*, int, int, int) = 0;
         virtual void sendMsg(char*,int, SDL_Surface*) = 0;
         virtual void cls(SDL_Surface*) = 0;

 class SDLConsole: public ISDLConsole
    //rest of the code

 __declspec(dllexport) ISDLConsole *Create()
    return new SDLConsole();

否则,如果在加载时链接dll,只需使用icecrime 提供的信息:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a90k134d.aspx

Otherwise, if you link the dll during load time, just use the information provided by icecrime: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a90k134d.aspx

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本文标题为:如何在 DLL 中使用类?
