如何在 QComboBox 上设置不可选择的默认文本?

How to set non-selectable default text on QComboBox?(如何在 QComboBox 上设置不可选择的默认文本?)

本文介绍了如何在 QComboBox 上设置不可选择的默认文本?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用填充有项目的常规 QComboBox,如果 currentIndex 设置为 -1,则小部件为空.在组合框中显示初始描述性文本(例如--选择国家/地区--"、--选择主题--"等)会非常有用,该文本未显示在下拉列表中.

Using a regular QComboBox populated with items, if currentIndex is set to -1, the widget is empty. It would be very useful to instead have an initial descriptive text visible in the combo box(e.g. "--Select Country--", "--Choose Topic--", etc.) which is not shown in the dropdown list.


I couldn't find anything in the documentation, nor any previous questions with answers.


Combo Box API 中似乎没有预料到这种情况.但是由于底层模型的灵活性,您似乎应该能够将您的 --Select Country-- 添加为第一个合法"项目,然后使其不被用户选择:

It doesn't appear that case was anticipated in the Combo Box API. But with the underlying model flexibility it seems you should be able to add your --Select Country-- as a first "legitimate" item, and then keep it from being user selectable:

QStandardItemModel* model =
QModelIndex firstIndex = model->index(0, comboBox->modelColumn(),
QStandardItem* firstItem = model->itemFromIndex(firstIndex);

根据您想要的精确行为,您可能希望改用 setEnabled.或者我个人更喜欢它,如果它只是我可以将其设置回的不同颜色的项目:

Depending on what precise behavior you want, you might want to use setEnabled instead. Or I'd personally prefer it if it was just a different color item that I could set it back to:

Qt,如何更改 QComboBox 的一项的文本颜色?(C++)


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本文标题为:如何在 QComboBox 上设置不可选择的默认文本?
