QDialog exec() 并获取结果值

QDialog exec() and getting result value(QDialog exec() 并获取结果值)

本文介绍了QDialog exec() 并获取结果值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经将 QDialog 子类化以实现类似于 QMessageBox 的功能(我需要它来允许自定义).它有一条短信和确定"、取消"按钮.我正在使用 exec() 显示对话框以使其阻塞.现在,当用户单击确定/取消时,我如何返回真/假值?

I have subclassed QDialog to implement functionality similar to QMessageBox ( I needed this to allow for customization). It has a text message and OK, Cancel buttons. I am showing the dialog using exec() to make it blocking. Now, how do I return values of true/false when the user clicks on OK/Cancel?

我尝试将按钮连接到 setResult() 然后,在单击时返回结果值,但是

I tried connecting the buttons to setResult() and then, return the result value when clicked, but

  1. 单击按钮不会关闭对话框
  2. 返回值不正确.以下是我写的代码.我认为我在执行/结果部分错了 - 但我不知道如何解决它.

class MyMessageBox : public QDialog {

private slots:

    void onOKButtonClicked() { this->setResult(QDialog::Accepted); }
    void onCancelButtonClicked() { this->setResult(QDialog::Rejected); }

    MyMessageBox(QMessageBox::Icon icon, const QString& title,
        const QString& text, bool showCancelButton = true,
        QWidget* parent = 0);

    virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e);

    QDialog::DialogCode showYourself()
        return static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(this->result());

用户将实例化该类并调用 showYourself(),它应该返回值并关闭(和删除)对话框.

The user will instantiate the class and call showYourself() which is expected to return the value and also close(and delete) the dialog.


I have posted partial code. Let me know if you need more and I will post the complete version.



  1. 与其自己使用 setResult(),不如使用 QDialog::accept() 和 QDialog::r​​eject().
  2. 看来您没有充分利用信号和插槽.您需要创建对话(或另一个)的对象来收听对话的信号.
  3. 在您的代码中,您也没有将信号连接到插槽.
  4. 在我的修复中 onOKButtonClickedonCancelButtonClicked 是不必要的.
  5. 通过我的修复,您不需要 showYourself().只需调用 exec 和事件信息会流动.
  1. Rather than using setResult() yourself, use QDialog::accept() and QDialog::reject().
  2. It seems you are not taking full advantage of the signals and slots. You need the object which create the dialog (or another one) to listen to the signals of the dialog.
  3. In your code you are not connecting signals to slots either.
  4. With my fix onOKButtonClicked and onCancelButtonClicked are unnecessary.
  5. With my fix you don't need showYourself(). Just call exec and with the events information will flow.

您需要在显示对话框之前添加此代码(this 假设它在对话框方法中):

You need to add this code before showing the dialog (this assume it is in a dialog method):

QObject::connect(acceptButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
QObject::connect(rejectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));


void someInitFunctionOrConstructor(){
   QObject::connect(mydialog, SIGNAL(finished (int)), this, SLOT(dialogIsFinished(int)));

void dialogIsFinished(int){ //this is a slot
   if(result == QDialog::Accepted){
       //do something
   //do another thing

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本文标题为:QDialog exec() 并获取结果值
