如何在 C 中限制套接字连接的带宽?

How do you throttle the bandwidth of a socket connection in C?(如何在 C 中限制套接字连接的带宽?)

本文介绍了如何在 C 中限制套接字连接的带宽?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 BSD 套接字编写客户端-服务器应用程序.它需要在后台运行,不断传输数据,但不能占用正常使用的网络接口带宽.根据接口的速度,我需要将此连接限制到某个最大传输速率.

I'm writing a client-server app using BSD sockets. It needs to run in the background, continuously transferring data, but cannot hog the bandwidth of the network interface from normal use. Depending on the speed of the interface, I need to throttle this connection to a certain max transfer rate.


What is the best way to achieve this, programmatically?


每次传输后休眠 1 秒的问题是你的网络性能会不稳定.

The problem with sleeping a constant amount of 1 second after each transfer is that you will have choppy network performance.

令 BandwidthMaxThreshold 为所需的带宽阈值.

Let BandwidthMaxThreshold be the desired bandwidth threshold.

令 TransferRate 为连接的当前传输速率.

Let TransferRate be the current transfer rate of the connection.


如果您检测到您的 TransferRate > BandwidthMaxThreshold 然后您执行 SleepTime = 1 + SleepTime * 1.02(将睡眠时间增加 2%)

If you detect your TransferRate > BandwidthMaxThreshold then you do a SleepTime = 1 + SleepTime * 1.02 (increase sleep time by 2%)


Before or after each network operation do a Sleep(SleepTime)

如果您检测到您的 TransferRate 比您的 BandwidthMaxThreshold 低很多,您可以减少您的 SleepTime.或者,您可以始终随着时间的推移衰减/减少您的睡眠时间.最终,您的 SleepTime 将再次达到 0.

If you detect your TransferRate is a lot lower than your BandwidthMaxThreshold you can decrease your SleepTime. Alternatively you could just decay/decrease your SleepTime over time always. Eventually your SleepTime will reach 0 again.

除了增加 2% 之外,您还可以将 TransferRate - BandwidthMaxThreshold 之间的差值线性增加较大.

Instead of an increase of 2% you could also do an increase by a larger amount linearly of the difference between TransferRate - BandwidthMaxThreshold.


This solution is good, because you will have no sleeps if the user's network is already not as high as you would like.

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本文标题为:如何在 C 中限制套接字连接的带宽?
