为什么可以在构造函数中修改 const 成员?

Why can const members be modified in a constructor?(为什么可以在构造函数中修改 const 成员?)

本文介绍了为什么可以在构造函数中修改 const 成员?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我很好奇为什么可以在构造函数中修改 const 成员.

I'm curious why const members can be modified in the constructor.


Is there any standard rule in initialization that overrides the "const-ness" of a member?

struct Bar {
    const int b = 5; // default member initialization
    Bar(int c):b(c) {}

Bar *b = new Bar(2); // Problem: Bar::b is modified to 2
                     // was expecting it to be an error



这不是修改(或赋值),而是 初始化.例如

This is not modification (or assignment) but initialization. e.g.

struct Bar {
    const int b = 5; // initialization (via default member initializer)
    Bar(int c)
        :b(c)        // initialization (via member initializer list)
        b = c;       // assignment; which is not allowed

const 数据成员无法修改或分配,但可以(并且需要)通过成员初始化器列表或默认成员初始化器进行初始化.

The const data member can't be modified or assigned but it could (and need to) be initialized via member initializer list or default member initializer.

如果在同一个数据成员上同时提供了默认成员初始化器和成员初始化器,则默认成员初始化器将被忽略.这就是为什么 b->b 被初始化为值 2.

If both default member initializer and member initializer are provided on the same data member, the default member initializer will be ignored. That's why b->b is initialized with value 2.


If a member has a default member initializer and also appears in the member initialization list in a constructor, the default member initializer is ignored.


On the other hand, the default member initializer takes effect only when the data member is not specified in the member initializer list. e.g.

struct Bar {
    const int b = 5;   // default member initialization
    Bar(int c):b(c) {} // b is initialized with c
    Bar() {}           // b is initialized with 5

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本文标题为:为什么可以在构造函数中修改 const 成员?
