字符数字 ['0'..'9'] 是否需要具有连续的数值?

Are the character digits [#39;0#39;..#39;9#39;] required to have contiguous numeric values?(字符数字 [0..9] 是否需要具有连续的数值?)

本文介绍了字符数字 ['0'..'9'] 是否需要具有连续的数值?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


C++ 实现必须将字符 '0'-'9' 设置为具有连续的数值,即:

Must a C++ implementation set the chars '0'-'9' to have contiguous numeric values, i.e. so that:

'0' -> 0+n
'1' -> 1+n
 m  -> m+n
'9' -> 9+n


I cannot find it mentioned in the documentation of isdigit ([classification] ( Character classification)) *, nor can I find it in the locale documentation (but maybe I did not look hard enough).

在 2.3 字符集中,我们发现

In 2.3 Character sets, we find that

基本源字符集由 96 个字符组成:空格字符、控制字符表示水平制表符、垂直制表符、换页符和换行符,以及以下 91 个图形字符

The basic source character set consists of 96 characters: the space character, the control characters representing horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, and new-line, plus the following 91 graphical characters


But it doesn't mention any ordering (but maybe I did not look hard enough).


在循环中使用时,缓存ctype<> facet并直接使用[代替isdigit()等,结束注释],或者使用ctype<>::is的向量形式会更快.

When used in a loop, it is faster to cache the ctype<> facet and use it directly [instead of isdigit() et al, end comment], or use the vector form of ctype<>::is.


确实看起来不够努力:在 2.3 中.字符集,第 3 项:

Indeed not looked hard enough: In 2.3. Character sets, item 3:


In both the source and execution basic character sets, the value of each character after 0 in the above list of decimal digits shall be one greater than the value of the previous.


And this is above list of decimal digits:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

因此,实现必须使用十进制数字具有连续表示的字符集.因此,您依赖此属性的优化是安全的;但是,您依赖其他数字的连续性(例如'a'..'z')的优化是 not 可移植的 w.r.t.到标准(另见标题 <cctype>).如果您这样做,请确保声明该属性.

Therefore, an implementation must use a character set where the decimal digits have a contiguous representation. Thus, optimizations where you rely on this property are safe; however, optimizations where you rely on the coniguity of other digits (e.g. 'a'..'z') are not portable w.r.t. to the standard (see also header <cctype>). If you do this, make sure to assert that property.

这篇关于字符数字 ['0'..'9'] 是否需要具有连续的数值?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:字符数字 ['0'..'9'] 是否需要具有连续的数值?
