你可以在 QDialog 中添加一个工具栏吗?

Can you add a toolbar to QDialog?(你可以在 QDialog 中添加一个工具栏吗?)

本文介绍了你可以在 QDialog 中添加一个工具栏吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm working on a project that needs to call a modal window with a toolbar to do some work on some data before it's loaded. The reason I need the toolbar is the user has a few different possible options that can be combined.


The obvious choice here is a Modal dialog (which I have working right now). The issue is I want a toolbar. This is a two part question:

  1. 是否可以在 QDialog 中添加工具栏?(在 Qt Designer 中也可以这样做吗?)
  2. 如果 1. 不可能,我该如何制作 QMainWindow 模态?
  1. Is it possible to add a toolbar to a QDialog? (also is it possible to do this in Qt Designer?)
  2. If 1. is not possible, how can I make a QMainWindow modal?


如果你不需要QMainWindow的工具栏的内置拖放功能,你可以简单地在任何布局中添加一个QToolBar,包括QDialog的layout().有关详细信息,请参阅下面的 DigviJay Patil 的回答,这在概念上绝对更简洁.

If you don't need the built-in drag and drop feature of QMainWindow's toolbars, you can simply add a QToolBar to any layout, including QDialog's layout(). See the DigviJay Patil's answer below for details, which is definitely cleaner conceptually.


  1. 不可能直接在 QMainWindow::addToolBar() 意义上将 QToolBar 添加到 QDialog,因为QDialog 仅继承 QWidget 而不是 QMainWindow,正如您所指出的(因此没有方法 addToolBar())

  1. It is not directly possible to add a QToolBar to a QDialog in the QMainWindow::addToolBar() sense, because QDialog inherits only QWidget and not QMainWindow, as you noted (hence do not have the method addToolBar())

你不能创建一个 QMainWindow 模态,但是你可以在 QDialog 中插入一个 QMainWindow:p>

You can't make a QMainWindow modal, but you can insert a QMainWindow in a QDialog this way:


MyDialog::MyDialog() :
    QMainWindow * mainWindow = new QMainWindow(); // or your own class
                                                  // inheriting QMainWindow

    QToolBar * myToolBar = new QToolBar();

    QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout();

确实,QMainWindow 不一定是顶级小部件,您甚至可以插入多个 QMainWindow 作为单个小部件的子级(可能但这不是最明智的选择,因为用户可能会对单独的菜单栏、工具栏、停靠小部件等集感到困惑).

Indeed, a QMainWindow doesn't necessarily have to be a top-level widget, and you can even insert several QMainWindows as children of a single widget (may not be the wisest choice though, as the user would probably be confused with the separate sets of menu bars, toolbars, dock widgets, etc.).

这篇关于你可以在 QDialog 中添加一个工具栏吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:你可以在 QDialog 中添加一个工具栏吗?
