什么是无效,更新方法在 VC++ 中的作用

what is invalidate,update methods do in VC++(什么是无效,更新方法在 VC++ 中的作用)

本文介绍了什么是无效,更新方法在 VC++ 中的作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我对 c++ 中的窗口函数有一点怀疑."invalidate()" 函数到底是做什么的?它发送什么消息?我们什么时候需要调用它?"update()" 函数又是什么?"invalidaterect()" 是否与 "invalidate()" 功能类似?

i have small doubt regarding the window functions in c++. what exactly "invalidate()" function do? what message does it sends?when we need to call this? also what is "update()" function? is "invalidaterect()" works similar to "invalidate()" function?.



CWnd::Invalidate() 使窗口的整个客户区无效,这表明该区域已过时,应重新绘制.您通常会在需要重绘的控件上调用它.CWnd::InvalidateRect() 仅使窗口的一部分无效.

CWnd::Invalidate() invalidates the entire client area of a window, which indicates that the area is out of date, and should be repainted. You would typically call this on a control that needs to be redrawn. CWnd::InvalidateRect() invalidates only part of the window.

使用 Invalidate 函数,WM_PAINT 消息将发布 [严格来说不正确;查看消息队列的评论],并在将来的某个时间处理.CWnd::UpdateWindow() 发送(相对于帖子)WM_PAINT 消息,导致无效区域立即重绘.

With the Invalidate functions, the WM_PAINT message will posted [not strictly true; see the comments] to the message queue and handled at some point in the future. CWnd::UpdateWindow() sends (as opposed to posts) a WM_PAINT message, causing the invalidated regions to be redrawn immediately.


Really, this is all in the docs.

这篇关于什么是无效,更新方法在 VC++ 中的作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:什么是无效,更新方法在 VC++ 中的作用
