从 CWnd::FromHandle 获得的 CWnd 的生命周期是多少?

What is the lifetime of a CWnd obtained from CWnd::FromHandle?(从 CWnd::FromHandle 获得的 CWnd 的生命周期是多少?)

本文介绍了从 CWnd::FromHandle 获得的 CWnd 的生命周期是多少?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


根据 msdn,当我使用 CWnd::FromHandle 获取 CWnd*,

According to msdn, when I get a CWnd* with CWnd::FromHandle,


The pointer may be temporary and should not be stored for later use.


What is meant by "later use" is not clear to me. Is it only the scope of the current method? As far as I know, there is no GC in Win32!


MFC 维护了许多句柄映射,从 HWND 到 CWnd,从 HDC 到 CDC 等,这些句柄映射存储在线程状态中.每个句柄映射都包含一个永久映射和临时映射 - 当您调用 CWnd::Create 或 CDC::Attach 等方法时会添加永久条目,而在没有永久条目.

MFC maintains a number of handle maps, from HWND to CWnd, HDC to CDC etc, which are stored in the thread state. Each handle map contains a permanent map and temporary map - permanent entries are added when you call a method such as CWnd::Create or CDC::Attach, while temporary entries are created when you call FromHandle on a handle that doesn't have a permanent entry.

在空闲处理期间(在 CWinApp::OnIdle 中)清除临时条目,因此它们只能在处理当前消息时安全地使用.一旦您返回消息循环,或进入另一个模式循环(例如通过调用 DoModal),它们可能会被删除.

Temporary entries are cleaned up during idle processing (in CWinApp::OnIdle), so they can only safely be used while processing the current message. As soon as you return to the message loop, or enter another modal loop (e.g. by calling DoModal) then they may be deleted.

这篇关于从 CWnd::FromHandle 获得的 CWnd 的生命周期是多少?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:从 CWnd::FromHandle 获得的 CWnd 的生命周期是多少?
