RichEdit 中的 Unicode RTF 文本

Unicode RTF text in RichEdit(RichEdit 中的 Unicode RTF 文本)

本文介绍了RichEdit 中的 Unicode RTF 文本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我无法让 RichEdit 控件显示 unicode RTF 文本.我的应用程序是 Unicode,所以所有字符串都是 wchar_t 字符串.
如果我将控件创建为RichEdit20A",我可以使用例如SetWindowText,并以正确的格式显示文本.如果我将控件创建为RichEdit20W",则使用 SetWindowText 会逐字显示文本,即显示所有 RTF 代码.如果我使用 EM_SETTEXTEX 参数,指定代码页 1200,MSDN 告诉我用于指示 unicode,也会发生同样的情况.
我尝试过使用 StreamIn 函数,但这似乎只有在我以 ASCII 文本进行流式传输时才有效.如果我在widechars中流式传输,那么我会在控件中得到空文本.我使用 SF_RTF|SF_UNICODE 标志,而 MSDN 提示可能不允许这种组合.

I'm having trouble getting a RichEdit control to display unicode RTF text. My application is Unicode, so all strings are wchar_t strings.
If I create the control as "RichEdit20A" I can use e.g. SetWindowText, and the text is displayed with the proper formatting. If I create the control as "RichEdit20W" then using SetWindowText shows the text verbatim, i.e. all the RTF code is displayed. The same happens if I use the EM_SETTEXTEX parameter, specifying codepage 1200 which MSDN tells me is used to indicate unicode.
I've tried using the StreamIn function, but this only seems to work if I stream in ASCII text. If I stream in widechars then I get empty text in the control. I use the SF_RTF|SF_UNICODE flags, and MSDN hints that this combination may not be allowed.

那该怎么办?有什么方法可以在不丢失 RTF 解释的情况下将宽字符放入 RichEdit,还是我需要对其进行编码?我曾考虑尝试 UTF-8,或者可能使用 RTF 中的编码工具,但不确定最佳选择是什么.

So what to do? Is there any way to get widechars into a RichEdit without losing RTF interpretation, or do I need to encode it? I've thought about trying UTF-8, or perhaps use the encoding facilities in RTF, but am unsure what the best choice is.



I had to do this recently, and noticed the same sorts of observations you're making.

看起来,尽管 MSDN 几乎建议,RTF"解析器仅适用于 8 位编码.所以我最终做的是使用 UTF-8,这是一种 8 位编码,但是仍然可以表示全范围的 Unicode 字符.您可以通过 PWSTR 获取 UTF-8noreferrer">WideCharToMultiByte():

It seems that, despite what MSDN almost suggests, the "RTF" parser will only work with 8-bit encodings. So what I ended up doing was using UTF-8, which is an 8 bit encoding but still can represent the full range of Unicode characters. You can get UTF-8 from a PWSTR via WideCharToMultiByte():

PWSTR WideString = /* Some string... */;
DWORD WideLength = wcslen(WideString) + 1;
PSTR Utf8;
DWORD Length;
INT ReturnedLength;

// A utf8 representation shouldn't be longer than 4 times the size
// of the utf16 one.
Length = WideLength * 4;
Utf8 = malloc(Length);
if (!Utf8) { /* TODO: handle failure */ }

ReturnedLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,
if (ReturnedLength)
   // Need to zero terminate...
   Utf8[ReturnedLength] = 0;
else { /* TODO: handle failure */ }

一旦你拥有 UTF-8 格式,你就可以这样做:

Once you have it in UTF-8, you can do:

SETTEXTEX TextInfo = {0};

TextInfo.flags = ST_SELECTION;
TextInfo.codepage = CP_UTF8;

SendMessage(hRichText, EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&TextInfo, (LPARAM)Utf8);


And of course (I left this out originally, but while I'm being explicit...):


这篇关于RichEdit 中的 Unicode RTF 文本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:RichEdit 中的 Unicode RTF 文本
